The insurance company have organised in the years 2015 to 2019, winning games and personal data of the participants, including their contact details, and health insurance affiliation, informed the state Commissioner for data protection on Tuesday in Stuttgart.

Earlier, says the AOK actually to advertising, the data of the contest participant, to use of purposes, if the participants had consented. But this was not observed.

AOK have a purpose,

alienated from The million fine is the highest penalty that has been imposed in the southwest of the due to an error in data protection. The penalty was to have been pronounced, because the insurance company play data from the profit purpose, according to the national data protection supervisor on. The highest amount nationwide for violations of the DSGVO previously had to pay the Internet provider 1&1 Telecommunications with a fine in the amount of 9.55 million euros. FOCUS Online provides you daily with the most important news from the Digital Department. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

In the current case, in Baden-Württemberg, the Supreme data protection in the country, Stefan Brink, the of of AOK specified measures would not meet the statutory requirements alleged. So the personal data of more than 500 participants had been used for advertising, without that this would be allowed. Assured data were not affected. The AOK have followed the course for a better privacy.

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