so Far, there is the on 16. June in Germany, launched in Corona-Warning App in English, German and Turkish. The App is intended to help the further spread of the Virus to bind. Zacharie Scheurer/dpa-tmn CHIP Corona

Germany have said so far, more than 16.4 million users, more Downloads than the whole of Europe, with its different Apps, bear. The Corona-Warning-App is now released in the App Stores of all countries in the EU as well as Turkey, Switzerland and Norway, and the United Kingdom.

said the existing technical problems, the CSU politician, so large IT projects it will need to always give improvements. There have been problems in the background updating the App. “That’s why we recommend to open the App once a day.” This will ensure that all of the alerts would be displayed.

After technical problems on various Smartphones, the Corona had received-Warning App by the end of July for an Update. With the latest Version of technical difficulties should be eliminated on the iPhone from Apple.

The App is designed to help the chain of Infection follow up and interrupt. If there was an encounter with someone who later tested positive for the Coronavirus, is to inform the cell phone of the owner. In addition, the App can help that people receive after a Test faster your result.

*The post “Corona-Warn-App: the next big Update is announced” will be published by Contact with the executives here.