there Would have been during the Baroque, a #MeToo-debate, the “world observed” some time ago, then Artemisia Gentileschi would have led the movement well.

The famous Baroque painter was not only a master of her craft, but also a convinced feminist. Women in their works, often with courage and determination.

“Susanna and the Elders”: your work has been wrongly assigned to your father,

Artemisia Gentileschi was born in 1593 in Rome. Her father was also a painter, for the the young woman was initially often model. At the age of 17 years, the artist succeeded with her first big throw: Gentileschi created with “Susanna and the Elders” of one of their most famous images. The plant, which was built in the year 1610, but was assigned first to long time falsely to their father. In this case, the image of Artemisia Gentileschi was.

Artemisia Gentileschi was the first woman at the Academy in Florence

The talented painter Artemisia 1616 was given in addition, the honor to be the first woman to the prestigious Accademia dell’Arte del Disegno in Florence included. For the time it was a real Sensation. In the Academy in Florence, the painter met the world-famous universal thinker Galileo Galilei. Both should have connected a friendship. dpa/Maximilien Photography/Artcurial/dpa The painting “Lucretia” (CA. 1630) by Artemisia Gentileschi achieved in Paris, a record.

Gentileschi is considered the most important woman in the Baroque

Artemisia Gentileschi died in the year 1654 in the city of Naples. Until today, she is considered the most important painter of the Baroque period, their works can now be found worldwide attention, when it comes to Baroque. Google honors the painter and her artistic work today with a Google Doodle.

Buon compleanno, Artemisia Gentileschi! Hearty oven-potato: So easy the full-fledged main dish to be a success PCP Hearty oven-potato: So easy the full-fledged main dish

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