It look a bit like a car accident. You don’t want to, but just can’t look away. Only this car accident is repeated for the third Time.

regardless of setbacks and Blamagen technology corporations, Smartphones try to launch with bendable screens, before the technology thought to the end, and the Council of Europe is. Only Samsung tried with the Galaxy Fold (The Fold already), then Motorola comes with the new Razr (The Razr) and now Samsung with the Galaxy Z Flip (questions and answers about Galaxy Flip).

The Galaxy Z Flip: A first impression. Video: zei

in a cheap Sitcom that always ends the same way: screens break or go otherwise broken. It’s horror follow pictures on social media, the critical discourses in the traditional media, and who has always known that faltbild screens are crap, and feels confirmed.

The Galaxy Fold, there was in 2019, in a callback, after the first testers, the devices are gone even before the market launch broken (The debacle ums Falthandy is so embarrassing how unfortunate). The Motorola Razr Videos of a so-shaky as creaking screen appeared immediately.

The testers before

The most cunning come the has made so far is Samsung with the Galaxy Z Flip. Since the start of sales was placed so close to the presentation that the Tester could not find in advance any Defects or deficiencies. Of course, you found them anyway. Just a little later.

So Samsung does not need to explain now that the glass screen is just glass, but a protective film made of plastic have. Previously, a Tester was able to scratch the at the presentation of so-vaunted glass-Display with a finger nail.

The wafer-thin layer of glass dates back to according to Cnet, by the way, Schott, an offshoot of the German Zeiss group. This layer of glass but the safety of plastic, confirmed once more: all the puzzle pieces are not ready for the mass-market folding mobile phone.

That would not be a bad thing, if Samsung and Motorola would put for their folding phones back on the same mesh: The new device is a luxury, High-Fashion, and anyway for the most stylish of people. It means again and again.

Superficial target audience

Why this audience is being targeted, only at first glance make sense. Those who place more value on Form than function, does not interfere, and that the technology is not anywhere up to date, look too closely and is delighted with the exceptional Design and the prestige of winning and is ready to like, 1500 to 2000 francs for a status symbol to spend. Wrong. Who is more interested in appearances and Design, bothers still a lot more to Geknarze and plastic feel.

in Addition, the corporations with this Premium Wake-up strategy time and Time again, the expectation was, it was down to the last Detail polished Premium devices. And you really are not.

Experiment instead of luxury

Would Samsung and Motorola of their folding cell phones instead, as experimental devices for fans of technology to sell, saw the matter differently. Who wants to be at the market maturation of a new technology to the forefront, do not be surprised if something works, creaks, or in the breaks goes.

The companies have Goodwill on their side. And if something less units would be sold, they should live with that. The big money is currently with fold-mobile phones anyway, not earn.

That the corporations be with her impetuous dash of the promising technology a disservice, unfortunately. I even carry around since last autumn, a ausgeborgtes Galaxy Fold as a second phone and 5G antenna Finder with me. To the horror of some time cover and other precautionary enjoyed without protective measures.

No scratches

It still works perfectly, has no scratches and certainly no cracks or dents (enthusiasm and panic: The Galaxy Fold in everyday life test). Nevertheless, I’ll give it to hate other people in the Hand, out of fear, you could leave it to fall or break. And even in the rain I put it a little deeper in the pocket.

Nevertheless, the great potential of a flexible screen is clearly visible. Until I can recommend a device, but without limitations, there is still much work needed. Not only in the Hardware. Also, the Software makes far too little of the new screen.

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Created: 20.02.2020, 17:03 PM