For the Basel football club and its supporters it is undoubtedly a hard blow: FC Basel may be the return match in the eighth finals of the Europa League at 19. March delivery in the St.-Jakob-Park. The Department of justice and Security of the Canton of Basel-Stadt has decided, after consultation with the Cantonal crisis staff to approve the game because of the current Coronavirus Situation. So, not as a “Ghost game”, which was supposed to have this encounter with an anticipated extension of the Federal Council’s measures for the health protection of the population.

The justification of the authorities reads: “Even in the case of a so-called spirit of the game experience is to be assumed according to estimated that several Hundred Fans of the host club travel to Basel, and during the game in front of the stadium would gather. With the government’s prohibition of events with over 1000 people joined intention would be to run in this case, what is not acceptable from a preventive point of view at present.”

Now, the opinions about the fundamental decisions of the Federal Council in the Corona may be apart question although. Hard to disagree with the statement that the recent decision of the Basel’s justice and security Department despite of the first Surprise on second glance, nothing more than logically, however, The Frankfurter trailers are known for that you bring more than 10000 spectators at an international away game.

As can be expected in this short journey even more than 1000, which would have supported their Club in a mind game from outside the St.-Jakob-Park. And that also numerous FCB-have addition to Fans, it must also be accepted: As a Basler for the last time in April 2014 against Valencia is a mind game, fought in their stadium, there was talk of Hundreds of red and blue supporters, who gathered around the football stadium.

You could try and by a massive police force to stifle any Fan accumulation in the Bud.

The authorities remained on the basis of these findings, nothing else than such a collection of people by the game licence Refuse to prevent. All the previous measures such as the crackdown on the carnival untrustworthy and would not have been consistent. Of course: You would have been able to try due to a massive police presence to stifle any Fan accumulation in the Bud. However, that this measure, associated with high security costs and the risk of escalation would have led under the dash to a better overall result may at least be doubted.

What does this mean for FC Basel, it is hard to say. The only certainty is that for the game, the foresight, no Tickets were sold and the FCB compared to a normal carried out, eighth-final match against a Bundesliga team revenue in the amount of between 1.5 and 3 million Swiss francs to be missed.

The Basel club managers were not yet able, sufficient investigations to carry out in order to draw further conclusions. FCB CEO Roland Heri announced via video message that it was not a Causa FC Basel, but a total social Situation. A Situation you’ve never experienced before and for now no just one drawer with the right solution to find it.

at Least in Switzerland will find no rainday location for the conduct of the game, the Problem remains but also for other cantons of the same.

The Basel are in talks with Frankfurt, Uefa and the authorities. Until a further decision has been made, it may take a while, he should remain alone in this terminal.

at Least in Switzerland will find no rainday location for the conduct of the game, the Problem remains but also for other cantons of the same. Quite apart from the associated financial, logistical, and administrative expenses, will also be with every hour more improbable that a venue for the border offers an Alternative. Because the governments of the neighbouring countries are moving increasingly in the same direction as Switzerland. After all: In Germany, the municipal authorities decide, at least until further notice, and is to hear from Frankfurt that the next Bundesliga round as well as the Europa League first-leg will take place in front of it with viewers.

not Reliably predictable, nothing more until Further notice.

Maybe two games against the FCB-liked unsubscribe. Perhaps the best of the Basler riding the first leg and we have to calculate the return game as 0:3-Forfeit. And maybe you can agree that you had a first leg in Frankfurt, and then settles.

This, however, are only the current issues for the parties involved. Well possible that you will be very soon unanswered from the table, because the development of international football requires solutions. Because one has the Coronavirus-Situation taught the athletes: Reliable, predictable, nothing more until Further notice.

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Created: 10.03.2020, 07:09 PM