Save and invest: Who wants to be a millionaire, believes to know the key to success. However, this depends on one other factor, says a author.

Many people believe that the road to the Olympus of the super-rich, is very rocky and with a lot of hard work, blood and sweat is associated. Some of them know how to do it properly – while most of the hamsters your cash and on the Bank’s bunkers, many of today’s Self-made millionaires are married, the money is also lucrative to create – it is revealed in the form of shares, real estate, & co.

study with 10,000 millionaires, which factor is crucial for the success

But also the infamous Vitamin B, so a functioning network of industry-key contacts , is essential in order to be successful, powerful and rich, as Chris Hogan. He is the author of the bestseller, “Everyday Millionaires: How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth – and How You Can Too” (on German about: “millionaires to the touch: Like normal people amassed great wealth and how you can do this”).

interesting : These are the things you need to do to become rich and to stay.

Hogan had carried out for his book in collaboration with a team of researchers seven months of a study and for this purpose, 10,000 US millionaires interviewed. the He wanted to find out what unites them all – and how they have managed to be so rich . It came out: Not only character traits such as diligence and intelligence helped the Self-made millionaires to the success, but also four key relationships , such as the business insider reported. These are as follows:

1. a Coach

Not only in sports, but also in the business field, there is a (Business)Coach to further advance and motivate them. “ If you fall down, it’s his voice that hollers at you, again to stand up, ” explains the author. A Coach helps to overcome its limitations and inhibitions. Finally, you can discuss with him next steps and guidelines for the success of their own company setting.

More : know So just find out how much money makes you happy.

2. a Mentor

in addition to a Coach about 86 percent of the surveyed millionaires should have to Hogan admitted that they seek advice from someone Else. “ A Mentor is someone who has already accomplished what it is one day achieved , ” says Hogan wants to have. “You are on the same path as you, but have much more ahead.” But how to do this?

it is best to seek someone who is willing to talk with a and tips to reveal the author. This one should take every couple of months. “ to Ask you for your stories and what drives them. Ask them to tell you about their biggest mistakes and what they learned from them. Remain relaxed and learn as much as you can .” In addition, it is important to be able to with the Mentor about their own stumbling blocks or problems to speak and to ask him for constructive Feedback.

Learn here : Rossmann founder reveals key to success – you won’t believe what it is.

3. a Cheerleader

Like the Name says, this key person is someone to believe, cheering, and speaks to courage: – comes no matter what. This can also be the Mentor or a Person who has done it already in the Olympus of the super-rich. A Cheerleader helps by his encouraging words, to make the rocky sections on the path to success more bearable, and to fight for his dream.

4. not to lose a friend

the Ground of diligence, it takes real friends, the my it with a good. “ friends remind us that there’s more to life than building wealth , ” writes Hogan. “And, especially, old friends remind us of who we are and where we come from. Don’t underestimate the quality of life that is in it. the Man should build his fortune never at the expense of his friendships , ” he warns further. Finally, personal happiness is not only wealth, but also in a healthy private life.

also read : the study reveals, how much content makes us really happy – the result is amazing.


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