It is a patience game from one day to the other, when Florian hall man his Schongauer fairytale forest is allowed to open. With limitations, of course. “But when the green light comes from the district office, to be able to at least limited runs open?”, the question of all questions. For Hallmann, the long stand in the stars, until he got yesterday, Friday, the redemptive message.

Schongau – The dwarves are ready, all the fairy tale characters want to tell their stories, the ponies pawing at the ground. Not to forget the Park railway, which is waiting for the start signal. So, when the green light comes from the district office, can start the operation in the Schongauer fairytale forest – as of today, Saturday.

“There will of course be limitations, but we have prepared ourselves all the good in the Situation,” says Florian Hallermann, Junior chef of the many fairy-tale characters. As he explains in an interview on the spot, he prepared with his team a Hygiene and protection concept of the 15 sites and the district office submitted.

distance – and Hygiene-rules similar to the one in the super markets

The hall man keeps mainly to the sanitation and distance of the supermarkets rules, and he has the distances in the Park, even on two-Meter set. “This gives families more security,” says Hallmann.

In the entrance area and of course on all of the surfaces of the outer gastro area, as well as in front of the toilets, hall, man has marked the way clearly with red and green signal color. “It now looks like a road carpet, what to commit, especially for children in a playful way,” the idea of a hall man. In front of the toilets, the way the shade is provided with umbrellas, so that in the sunshine no one is because of the heat impatient.

gastronomy area on the “witch’s kitchen” and a terrace

After the launch of the gastronomy section on the “witch’s kitchen” and the terrace is limited. The interiors remain taboo. In addition, set up throughout the area 17 of the disinfecting stations.

of Course Florian and father Max hall man during the Corona have caused the forced closure again done all the work to new design changes. “The bridle path no longer passes through the Park to the visitors. He now runs the Park, which offers guests more security,“ explains the chef. And he adds, that a Pony is known to be a flight animal, and love to his own head.

In the Park railway is open every second car

Proud to Florian hall man on a completely re-designed animal enclosure for RHEAS. is And the Park railway must of course not be forgotten. The Pitch was changed only every second car is occupied. Corona-a security measure just.

Online-reservation required

Very important Hallmann announced the arrangements for the admission: “We are working only with Online booking,” he says. The guests go to the website There, you can then choose whether you want a Morning or afternoon ticket. Both of them are limited to four hours.

“Our Park is limited due to the surface to 500 people,” says Hallmann. By the way, to come either in the morning or in the afternoon, have as many visitors as possible the Chance to visit the fairy forest.


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