callback on Frank Juice: The juice manufacturer is issuing a warning to Allergy sufferers because of the incorrect marking means to be a health hazard.

callback*with Frank Juice includes Rewe* , Edeka and Müller warning Allergy sufferers! callback because health risk due to incorrect labelling, Despite the recall subjects without celery Allergy can the juice drink

Kassel At Frank Juice GmbH there is a callback : The juice “Frank Juice is Green” in the 330 ml bottle with a date of minimum durability from the 04.07.2020. The reason for the callback is a partial likelihood of the labels in the case of the mentioned Charge, according to the manufacturer. The content of the juice is not equivalent to the information indicated in the list of ingredients.

The Frank Juice GmbH was founded by three young men in pursuit of a Mission: health, taste, and Conscience – and with cold-pressed juice . Now one of these juices need to be called back. An incorrect marking on the product is to danger Allergy .

recall of juice: product: Allergy be dangerous

Here are all the important to the callback from juice the company Frank Juice in the Overview

product name: “Frank Juice Green” producer: Frank juice GmbH, size: 330 ml bottle of date of minimum durability: 04.07.2020 The ingredients are celery, parsley, Kale are available in the product and on the face side of the label listed, but not in the list of ingredients indicated The ingredient in lemon juice is stated in the Declaration, but not in the product included the products in this Batch, in the list of ingredients with the front of the label complies with, this recall does not health affected the risk for Allergy due to incorrect labelling Affected markets: the online store of Frank Juice, feinkost Käfer, Rewe, Edeka, Kaufland, Müller, + caution! Recall the case of Frank Juice: Allergy sufferers need to watch out for in the affected juice, because by the incorrect labelling of a health hazard.©

recall of juice due to the fault of the ingredients directories

The callback the “ Frank Juice Green ” juice was published by the Federal office for consumer protection and food safety . The Batch with the date of minimum durability from the 04.07.2020 is only partly affected. In the case of some bottles, the list of ingredients matches the front of the label – especially Allergy sufferers need to watch out for.

warning! In the error lists of Ingredients provided are liable to missing the information of celery , parsley and green cabbage. All three ingredients are included in the affected juices, which is clearly listed on the front of the label on the back but is missing.

another error is the mention of lemon juice as an ingredient, as this is not included in the juice . The product is sold, among other things, in the case of Rewe , Edeka and Müller .

recall of juice: attention Allergy sufferers! Celery is included

reason for callback of the available allergic reaction of people with celery Allergy. Allergy sufferers should be aware of the recall and the affected juice in no case consume. According to the manufacturer, is assumed in this case of a possible health risk! For consumers without a corresponding allergies “ Frank Juice Green ” juice in the 330ml bottle is suitable without restriction for human consumption.

The Frank Juice GmbH regrets the incident and wishes to apologize to all of our customers. For inquiries, you can contact us immediately at the following contact: Frank Juice GmbH, Springvale 34, 81925, or

Not the only food-recall in the case of Rewe, Edeka, Lidl and co.

further food-recall it at Alnatura: Here there is a suspicion on a sliver of glass in organic chickpeas. It was pronounced a warning due to increased risk of injury.

Also in the case of Lidl, there is currently a recall: A popular Salami Snack can pose health risks. Internal injuries are possible.

Jennifer Greve

The Brauerei Zötler launches recall of popular beer. This is the Wrong* May rupture.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.