Liga Endesa ACB Day 15


So it was that Barça 83 63 Real-Madrid

Svetislav Pesic emphasized the importance of defense displayed by his players at the resounding victory of Barca in the classic. The barca left Real Madrid by five points in the first quarter, and 63 at the end of the meeting. “You never win at the start of a match, but this time we won because we knew how to defend against Real Madrid,” said the Serbian coach of fc barcelona. “The first ten minutes for me were decisive, with a good defense. That gave us confidence and we were able to play better in attack, without much thinking. We knew that to win the game without a good defense, it was not possible. In that aspect we have been at a high level, with continuity. We played an almost perfect match, with motivation. And with the support that today we have received from our fans —the Palau was filled with—, it is very difficult to lose”.

The coach of Serbian relative the huge advantage with that ended the duel: “Twenty points will help for the next matches, but does not mean much. We know that is not the reality of teams like Barca and Madrid”. Valued the importance of a win that paired his team with Real Madrid and Casademont Zaragoza in the top of the standings of the Liga Endesa. “This victory and the way we get help to gain confidence, especially for new players. They see that we can compete and win against Madrid. It is a victory not only for today, but also for the future, for when we play against Madrid”.


Mirotic ends up with his nightmare A classic that lasted less than 10 minutes

Pablo Laso clung to a data final, as he said, definitively: “you can’t aspire to win a match, losing 22 balls”. The Real Madrid coach analysed the performance of his team: “We have always gone to the trailer, the whole game. They have been able to make good defenses, but I have to be critical of my team. Our party, to defensive, is the worst of the season.” The technical Vitoria drew a conclusion of the duel: “Barcelona is a team with a lot of talent, a great rival with great players. It has been a great teaching about how we have to compete against them. From the beginning we have not had consistency in the offensive game. In previous meetings, we have been much more solid in defence and in attack.”

“judging by the environment it seems as if we had won a title.” From the words of Nikola Mirotic, the players barca applauded a long time on the support of his fans in the Palau. “Enjoy these moments because we won the team that plays the best basketball,” said Mirotic, a former player real madrid and, since last summer, the star of the club and the player most valued statistically both in the Euroleague and in the League Endesa. “I would lie if not to say that you feel something special by winning at Madrid. We needed this win to finish the year well, know that we progress, and after two defeats against them. It was important to make sure we can win. We are well,” he said, happy for his first victory against Madrid, against which, as barca lost in the final of the Super cup and on the eighth day of the Euroleague.

“We played very well, especially in the first part,” said Tomic, while Oriola emphasizing the exciting atmosphere that there was on the track. “We have won thanks to the fans; the victory is for them. The environment has been historic”. Claver, who reappeared after the injury in one foot that kept him away from the tracks since November 2, stated: “The sensations have been good, and more winning. What is the best lap I could have? We have come out very focused, especially the back.” The wing-pivot valencian formed in the starting lineup, a decision of Pesic as a surprise. “I adapted,” said Claver. “If I have to start, begin; and if not, after. I had already said (Pesic) was concentrated for this match. We are happy in the environment and the support we have received in the Palau. That is what we wanted and we have not gone very well”.

And Hanga concluded: “Our goal is to improve day-to-day. We controlled the match from the first minute. We made the best defense of the year.”

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