the litter of Audi formula E driver Daniel Abt, who had a virtual formula E race under his name by a professional Sim-Racer to replace, The out for heated discussions. And he is the trigger for Audi DTM pilots now fight for the vacant Cockpit at the side of Lucas di Grassi.

The 27-year-old Abbot, whose contract would have expired at the end of this season, and had felt after the announcement of Audi’s DTM-exit with the end of 2020 already the hot breath of his DTM-colleagues. “I’m under no illusions that there’s now six people in my chair saws,” he said, not quite a month ago to ‘Ran’.

A critical undertone in the direction of his DTM-colleagues, he could not resist: “I think it’s a bit of a shame, because a lot of riders just at the beginning shouted: ‘formula E wants to I never go, what a crap!’ And at once, when you can earn money, because they all stand up and rejoice.”

raster: “formula E is a theme”

Because the formula E in addition to the formula 1 is currently the most attractive address in Motorsport, “is locking a Rene -, and the like – try to get either my place or another in the formula E”.

it is typed Correctly! To rest after the Audi announcement is in fact no secret of the fact that the formula E will be available from 2021 on its list. “Yes, of course, the formula E is an issue,” he said to ‘Twitch’. “I’m already in 2016, a formula-E race in Berlin. This is of course a racing series that is observed and which is attractive.”

If he wanted to do now with Daniel Abt in the Cockpit in dispute? “That’s not my decision,” responded grid evasive. “Other people are responsible, the decide. We’ll see what happens.”

Also, Müller and Frijns as hot candidates

in fact, is not the two-time DTM champion, has been in the past three years as one of the strongest Audi driver, the only candidate for the coveted seat. Because, of all things, his title rival from last year, Nico Müller, has more formula-E-experience.

The 28-year-old Swiss was, according to some strong Tests than Audi replacement and countless hours in a Simulator already, a year ago, hopes to Abbot of the Cockpit, moved to the renewal of the contract, but to the private Dragon Team to ride his first season as a race driver best. That he was able to compete in the four races so far, hardly in appearance, has a lot to do with the little bit of competitive car.

so far, most experienced formula E Pilot in Audi’s DTM squad is Robin Frijns: The 28-year-old Dutchman has already 40 formula E race on the account, two of which he has won in the last season. He currently drives for the Audi customer team Virgin.

Only Rockenfeller makes it clear: “formula E is not my world,”

These three pilots are the hottest contenders for the Audi-seat in formula E, because Loic Duval has built in addition to the DTM, the WEC as the second. Jamie Green is already 37 years old and apart from a formula-E-Test, he could hardly arguments, which were in the shortlist to come.

And Mike Rockenfeller has established itself as one of the few racers that formula E is “his world”. “I would have no Problem in driving electric cars. If the Performance is right, then that’s great. If it is not, then it’s just not great,” said the Neuwieder the end of 2019 in conversation with ‘’ on the mangende performance of the vehicles.

This article was written by Sven Haidinger

*The post “is out of the Abbot’s throw for Daniel: Audi DTM drivers fight for the formula E-Cockpit”, published by Contact with the executives here.