The Sports minister reaches out to the hot tub president of Olympique lyonnais Jean-Michel Aulas. During an interview on Europe 1, Roxana Maracineanu said that she was “ready to entrust him with a mission” and ” ensure that this recovery in July with friendly games with the TV rights that would compensate maybe what he has lost.” “And once again, if it upholds the general interest of football, or sport in general, I suggested to him that with his TV rights come and contribute to the solidarity fund for the recovery of the French sport “, she added.

also Read Soccer : the gap between League 1 and the championship

email Aulas every day

indeed, the former swimmer has called for more solidarity in the sport, between the big players and the smaller ones, which also suffer from the effects of the health crisis. “The sport is in need of help, of solidarity, it would be well that the presidents of the big clubs think of the smaller clubs and other sports, because this chain of solidarity, it is now that she must say “, she said.

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While the boss of the OL has filed an appeal before the Council of State on the judgment of the football championships, the minister is intended to be ironic, stating : “letters of mr. Aulas, I receive every day. “It reminds us that Jean-Michel Aulas” is the president of the college of Ligue 1 clubs, if I’m not mistaken. When the decision has been taken by the League to stop this championship, it was the proposal, and once again, the only one that I have been proposed. I think he had his word to say at this time. The League and the Federation operate in a democratic way “. Football championships are expected to resume at the end of August.

writing will advise you

The tackle Monday – League 1 : alas, Aulas… Déconfinement : the sport, the great forgotten ?