After the Ticino cantonal Parliament on Wednesday afternoon, all athletic activities until the 29. March had said, was the demolition of the hockey season essential. “We can’t play the season in a neat, sporty and fair framework. That’s why we have to make a cohesive reason decision,” said ZSC-CEO Peter Zahner. Now the Clubs of the National and the Swiss League for the Inevitable in a telephone conference definitely decided and the Rest of the season cancelled have.

no Junior games and more

in order To follow the track of many other leagues in Europe: in Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Poland and Norway, the season had been canceled previously. Also in Sweden and Finland, we discussed whether and how to proceed. Only in Russia is unfazed played more. In Switzerland, various Clubs were held on Wednesday test matches, in relation to a planned Playoff without an audience. Now, the game is stopped immediately. And not only on a professional level, but in all performance classes, including Junior and Amateur sport.

a season that had sportingly offered a lot of entertainment going on, abruptly to an end. After 181 days and 300 Games in the National League, after which the first four only two points separated. So balanced, such as in this Winter, the Swiss ice hockey was never – according to the starting position for the Playoff would have been very exciting. The National League saw in Pius Suter with their first Swiss Topskorer since 2012. The tradition of clubs, ZSC and HCD reported back strong. Servette amazed with its art Nouveau under the promoted Junior coach Patrick Emond. Fribourg, Lugano, Bern and Lausanne changed their Coach, with varying degrees of success.

Kloten and Visp want to upgrade

discuss It but there are still many open questions. Therefore, the club will meet as planned on Friday to an extraordinary League Assembly. First of all: Is there, for the first time since the winter of 1939/40, when the season was cancelled due to the mobilization, not a master? Or the ZSC Lions as a qualifying winner to be appointed to the master? And what happens with the Teams that have been brought to the Chance of the rise campaign? With Kloten and Visp? Both want to be in the National League, with the aim of increasing it, do so but with separate applications. No longer is played, but the season is far from over.

Created: 12.03.2020, 10:29 PM