city picture, no. 022 – people’s health! How important is the word these days is. Proper Hygiene is a must. This is, in particular, instilled in the children: you are the virus carrier per se. Therefore, they are guided by teachers continuously to the right hands wash the face, also, you will learn how you can aloof greetings.

schools reflected always been social developments. Also structurally. This shows, for example, in the example of the school-house in the deer moat at the edge of the old city of Zurich. In the second half of the 19th century. Century, the reputation of the city of Zurich population according to Hygiene was very loud, since very few of the old houses had a bathtub and hot water.

the brush

lathered To the Project description of the new building, Central heating, hot water and a bathroom, which was otherwise hardly an urban school and therefore were. Twelve “shower baths” consisted of Alexander Koch in 1893 finished school for girls. Each student was allowed to bathe every two weeks. How fun it was, with the painter’s brush, lathered and then rinsed thoroughly, it remains to be seen.

in Spite of strict rules of hygiene, to Humorous, it is not missing in the school house, deer dig up today. The Face above the main entrance, winked at the students, but not always. Image: Urs Jaudas

children were able to bathe, their parents were prejudiced, to face colds feared, or who had a lack of clothes were the exception. What must have been a luxury, the Schulbad, can only be guessed at. In any case, the NZZ wrote about the opening ceremony: “Zurich will not get such school house, as the deer moat.” Also the toilet were meant to be-facilities, equipment mahogany seats! – from today’s perspective, bizarre appears to be.

Belächelter English Cottage-style

Even if bathrooms and stainless toilets are long gone, the building still has a special status. The playful sand stone speaks its own language of form. Even the Jury she was in a pretty “strong Contraste with the Zurich conditions”. In particular, the facade, with its rich adornments, used ngenwar for you to get used to.

Even while Drinking at a fountain on the ground floor may be grinned. Image: Urs Jaudas

Other critics, from stamped the architecture of an English Cottage-style. Koch, reportedly a gifted student of ETH-architect Gottfried Semper, sneered: “Every Englishman would deride such a view.” He had to know, was he emigrated some years previously to London.

A Face for the Welcome

However, until today, the building jewelry lost nothing of its magic. A turret projecting from each of the gable, the battlements are crowned, the parapets decorated. In almost every one of the of chef-designed school house figures one gets the impression that he had the girls, the teachers, the society to get the better of and don’t want to say that everything is so bad, not so serious. For example, with the Face above the main entrance, and narrowed his one eye. The authorities, this was too much of a Good thing. The Relief was for many years covered.

The auditorium adorned in addition to foreign animals, too, are busts of couples from all over the world, including one from India. Image: Urs Jaudas

Also for the case that certain pupils for life would never come over the borders of Zurich, had the architect pre – by he decorated the auditorium with illustrative material from all over the world, be it fruits, wreaths, exotic animals or busts of eight people in pairs.

The column “city” is dedicated to all of the many things that have made it in Zurich in a public space is cozy and the shape our image of this city in Good times and in Bad. She always appears in the middle of the week.

Created: 12.03.2020, 11:32 PM