30 places on the podium has won the Austrian ski team ahead of the final five races of the season (two of the men in Kranjska Gora, three of the women Are). This is a meager yield for the otherwise so spoiled by success for a Ski Nation.

Thus, the worst season threatens the ÖSV since 1986/87, when there has been a 27 podiums (2 victories). It is conceivable that it will be the first season without discipline victory since 1995. Only in the Parallel race of the women in Are, it could still be a crystal ball. However, it would be a small consolation for a very modest season in which hardly anyone met the expectations. The gap, the duration of winner Marcel Hirscher, left, was not close to.

For Eberharter is “embarrassing”

for the First time since 1990, Austria will not win the Nations standings, but Switzerland. According to harsh the criticism is. Skiing legend Stephan eberharter, takes no sheet before the mouth. “For a country that claims to be the Ski-Nation number one, it is much too little. Heuer Austria is the clear number one,” he says in the “crown”. And is still a top: “For the amount of effort that is, this is embarrassing.” With the exception of Matthias Mayer, Vincent Kriechmayr and Marco Black it was up to the runners themselves. “It takes people with a passion for skiing,” stresses the downhill Olympic champion of 2002

For Michaela Dorfmeister drove the Austrians “often not a good Ski”. The two-time Olympic champion announced the many injuries as the main reason for the lean season. But not only: “If you win a runner as Nicole schmidhofer, Stephanie Venier or Ramona siebenhofer, then the claims must be totally different.” As the only positive Surprise was the 46 called-Year-old Talent Nina Ortlieb. (rom)

Created: 09.03.2020, 21:24 PM