This is a message of hope for the football enthusiasts. In an interview broadcast in the Channel Football Club, Noël Le Graët, the president of the French football Federation, has advanced a possible recovery in September for the world amateur. “We can hope to resume in early September. I would have liked either a little earlier for the schools of football, because in the month of August there are a lot of kids that are a little alone, and I believe that football can be a place of welcome, such as schools “, said the leader in an interview aired Sunday by the canal+ Channel.

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” We will discuss with the ministry [of Sport, ED}. Football, thankfully, leave very quickly, and fortunately a lot faster than some companies or shops, or people who are going to be unemployed and in trouble “, he added in this sequence. With the déconfinement progressive started Monday in France, the practice of sport has been framed by the authorities, which restrict the time for the practice of sports or contact, two attributes that relate directly to football.

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A tackle for OL

Regarding the resumption of the football professional, including the season 2019-2020 was arrested on 30 April on the orders of the government, Noël Le Graët has not specified a calendar. The authorities had suggested that the competition could resume in August. The leader has reaffirmed his belief that the finals of the French Cup (PSG-Saint-Étienne) and the Coupe de la Ligue (PSG-Lyon), suspended due to the pandemic, could have a place in the curtain raising of the next season, even if this means that they are closed to the public to comply with the requirements health.

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” today it is necessary to imagine a PSG-Saint-Étienne behind closed doors “, he said. The final of the “Coupe de France” will take place, as the League Cup will also be held. It is in the interest of Olympique lyonnais to find, outside of the courts, a formula for be to UEFA ” (qualified in the European Cup), he concluded, while the OL has engaged in two actions before the administrative tribunal to challenge the stop of the championship which deprives it of european qualification.