As Romano Lemm the Puck out of the third, wars done, to play three seconds: The Center were not yet raised, in the absence of Steve Kelle Bergers, the Captain, raised my arms in jubilation high: 3:2 in game, 4:1 in the series – Kloten for the first time since 2014 a playoff series win. And hits in the semi – final of the, if everything goes according to program, on Friday begins – not on Visp, but to Langenthal. The Sixth of the qualification turned off the EHC Olten in five Games. The second semi-final of the Ajoie against Visp is to say, of the Valais took their fourth victory in overtime.

the Five Playoff series in a row, had lost Kloten. Last year, the quarter-final against Langenthal, 2018 those games against Ambri and the SCRJ Lakers, 2016 the quarter-final against Davos and the 2014 Final against the ZSC Lions. The last success of the 4:2 in the semi-final of 2014, Fribourg. In the 4:2 home victory to conclude the series, Simon Bodenmann, Victor Stancescu, Tommi Santala, and spare foreigners Josh Hennessy had achieved the goals.

From 0:2 to 3:2

On Friday, the scorers were in a tough Match Emilijus Krakauskas, Fabian and Marc Marchon. The Klotener came against the GCK Lions again in arrears, for the first Time, even with more than one goal. In the 24. Minute shot the Fuhrer, the 2:0 for the Lions, in the 38. Minute, it was called 3:2 for Kloten. “We played well for a long time, but then a jolt went through the Team”, saw Trainer By Hanberg. The Powerplay and his people did not work in the last third, bothered him little. The atmosphere is not felt, however, just as “unreal”.

“We played well for a long time, but then a jolt went through the Team.”Kloten-Trainer By Hanberg

For Fans that had been organized for this mind game with great effort a Livestream with commentary. In the meantime amounted to the switch-on ratio of over 1000. “Dä victory in front of the eye, the d’curve in the Rugge missing only priority, au, if, unfortunately for guard emal.” This large Billboard had suspended the standing-room fans in your sector. And Éric Faille bowed because in the end, even before this message, he made a wave in the direction of the empty curve. The Fans don’t decide to take it, however, this first Playoff to celebrate the success of the past six years especially. About 20 minutes after the end of the Game a large Delegation appeared in front of the hall. Unmistakable for all that were still there.

That, of all things, its such a special day for hockey-Kloten, almost no one was allowed to be in the hall, was for the players is not easy. To fight In an atmosphere like a training game for a place in the play-off semi-final, is not really commonplace.

Two steps forward

That Kloten will play in all three home against the GCK Lions of effort has been (1:4-defeat, 4:3 after extra time and on Friday, the 3:2), shows that the mental Blockade after the failure of last years extremely was. “But now something happened, now it should be corrected,” thinks Hanberg. The first two steps are done. The first goal was to be Better in qualifying than in 2019 – the was place 1. The second was to come in the Playoff more than last year. This is the 4:1. Kloten has responded to the 1:4 defeat at the Start is excellent.

“Now something happened, now it should be corrected.”Coach Hanberg

This is not to say that the Team always played well. But it has found means to ways to GCK Lions in the barriers that have been set by Michael Liniger excellent.

was That on Friday, a turnover of around 120’000 Swiss francs lost, given the result of a catastrophe. For once.

icebreaker – Hockey Podcast by Tamedia

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Created: 28.02.2020, 23:16 PM