we find Heike Stolle-Nassauer: she pulls back away from the Corona Demos in Murnau. The co-organizer of distancing itself from the statements of some speakers.

Murnau – For the fourth Time, Heike Stolle has demonstrated Nassauer in Murnau for the fundamental rights. Possibly for the last Time. Directly after the event, on Monday, the co-organizer in a newspaper interview said: “I don’t know if I can assist further. This is not what we stand for here. If this is a catch basin of Impfgegnern and people that the government has to do something, the more my understanding of democracy to.“ Still in the evening sent a statement to this newspaper, in which they confirmed their words of hostility against your Person writes. Happened on the forecourt of the culture and Congress centre. Their Engagement had been trampled. “Since the event is used to undifferentiated and one-sided sources to sell to the listeners as the alternative truth,” says Stolle Auer-wet. Your comments also on a break with organizer Magdalena Börsig-Hover close to sticking to the Monday-demonstrations, even after the third edition. “I’m doing this. To me it goes to the fundamental rights. Since all subjects play in.“

trigger the appearance of Susanne Atlas, which has been made so far as a 5G-Respondent in the area, a name was. In her speech, the Seehauserin was the first to Vaccinate, then the 14-year-old Nico Raba. The Boy, who was positioned last week at the microphone against the Corona-demonstrations. “Pity” thought it was Atlas that he had been talking to. Provocatively, she replied in the direction of Raba: “I thought once how big his flat screen at home, that he speaks so. Or maybe he has a flat screen in his room, his mom lets him watch TV all the time from early to late ARD, ZDF, compulsory fees funded.“

More: Murnauer Corona-Demo: Hundreds of people make their mark – but there is a legal grey zone

limit exceeded

and Then you talked about the British journalist and propagandist Sefton Delmer, you are introduced to the audience as the chief psychologist, and attributed to him a sentence: “The atrocity propaganda, we have won the war.” It’s about the Second world war. Atlas’ note to the 14-year-old student: “The word of the young man did not know. You have to understand that in the first place. You can’t, when one is so young. This is not a topic for young children. Therefore, you should hold back before we say things about the people that have an interest in the truth.“

also read: Demo in a double pack in the Murnau town centre

For With-organizer Stolle-Nassauer was exceeded at this point, a limit. She stepped to the microphone and condemned the words of the previous speaker in focus. “I think it is not appropriate, a young 14-to defame-Year-old. We should think of how intolerant we are in our Thinking. I am disappointed of the last things a bit and distance myself from it.“ Instead, it should be extended but about the restrictions, to 5. July, discuss. Börsig-Hover not found the post so bad. In a newspaper Interview, she reiterates: “That’s okay. Here freedom is the freedom of expression. The (Atlas/Red.) it has not defamed but. This had nothing to do with bad turn to. We are a Forum that is open. Everyone is responsible for what he says.“

Demos go further

Representative of Raba, whose friend Korbinian Adamski in front of the 30 guests, including Uwe Erfurth, organizer of the Saturday Demos dared. The young people criticized the behavior of some protesters. “I think it is a shame that I was interrupted as a minor, speaks his mind, and booed. But if I would get you applause, I would have said something Questionable.“ It, in turn, organiser of the event was Börsig-Hover forced “to put this in perspective, these statements and reject them. “We are here because of our own Situation, because we want to live in freedom.”

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This verbal battle übertünchte the best and most substantial part of the Evening for those Murnau that share their Concerns in Corona days. A man, as Michi he introduced himself, talked about the uncertain livelihood of many. Jutta Reinhardt cares about your personal data, which could come with a Corona App pirated in the wrong hands. Doctor Gudrun Stroer, before two and a half weeks as a guest at a Murnauer Demo active, pointed to the psychological damage (caused by police operations, as she says). Organizer Börsig-Hover chose for your kick-off lecture on the theme of “civil courage”, drifted but in wild theories, as you told about a secret conference of the veto powers (Yalta II), already on 9. In may, the Federal government and a new order placed to be pushed aside. “The game is over.” The Demos are obviously not. Next Monday you go further.

editor’s note. the Red: The article in the print edition a error: Not Nico Raba spoke this time in front of the protesters, but his buddy Korbinian Adamski. The Online Version is already corrected. We apologize for the error.