The Corona-pandemic world economically severe consequences. Many corporations and businesses was hit hard. Renault is planning to launch a massive reduction.

The world economy groaning under the consequences of the Corona-pandemic . Both the UN and the EU Commission see the dramatic consequences, such as high-level representatives explain. The French car maker Renault has now announced a massive workforce reduction (see Update 29. May, 13: 39). Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures.

Update 29. May, 18.36 PM: In Spain will be introduced from June, a basic income . The decided, the government in Madrid, against the Background of the economic impact of the Corona-crisis . “Today has been created in Spain, a new social right,” said Pablo Iglesias, chief of the left Alliance, Podemos and Deputy Prime Minister.

Of the basic income will benefit according to the government, expected to be about 850,000 households in need . This corresponds to approximately 2.3 million of the approximately 50 million inhabitants in Spain – around 30 percent of them are minors. A living adult shall be entitled to 462 euros per month Families receive an additional 139 Euro per head, but a maximum of 1015 Euro per household .

According to the government, each of the households receives a “guaranteed average annual income of 10.070 Euro”. The new scheme will cost the government expected to be three billion euros per year .

Corona-crisis: Renault plans to cut 15,000 jobs and a work complete

Update 29 close. May, 13.39 at: In the course of its austerity program, the car manufacturer Renault plans to cut around 15,000 jobs worldwide and by 2022, a smaller factory for mechanical parts in the Paris Metropolitan area close . Renault President Jean-Dominique Senard but stressed on Friday during an Online press conference that further factory closures are planned.

Senard, however, made it clear that it had to be in domestic plants changes. In this context, he called the factory in the Northern French city of Dieppe, where the sports car Alpine will be built. “This is not a Plan for the factory closures, it is savings plan ,” stated Senard.

Update 27. May, 21.30 at: ailing Boeing power in the Corona-crisis, with its large job cuts seriously. Around 6770 employees in the USA received their dismissal letter, such as the Airbus-rival has now been notified. The terminations therefore, in addition to around 5520, the employees have accepted Severance packages and the group in the next few weeks to leave. In the coming months, there will be thousands more Disposals , said Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun, in a Memo to employees.

to Boeing: Corona-crisis aggravated the economic Situation dramatically

The redundancy the rivals of the European Airbus -group is not surprising: Boeing had already announced at the end of April, to reduce its number of employees from 160,000 to about ten percent. This Plan has now been concretized only. The group is due to the problem of aircraft 737 Max , which is evidenced banned after two devastating crash in more than a year in the world, with Start-up, longer in a deep crisis. The Corona pandemic, which has brought air traffic to a near Standstill, the company has brought even more pressure.

Update 26. May, 22.47 PM: Worldwide loose measures against the Corona pandemic have pushed on Tuesday, stocks on Wall Street strongly. The Dow Jones Industrial overcame for the first time since the 10. March the mark of 25 000 points, could not bell to the final but say. He closed 2.17 percent higher on 24.995,11 points. Nearly two-thirds of the losses of the Corona Crash has caught up to the Dow now back up.

However, the US had catching up to do-share also: for holidays of the stock exchanges in the United States, remained closed on Monday as it was gone in Asia and Europe already up.

Cup purchase due to Corona banned: Vatican confirms financial-Worries – Soon, no more money from the Pope?

Update from 25. May, 19.10 PM: , Not only the profane economy , even the Vatican suffers financially under the Corona-crisis : Already nearly two weeks ago, in charge of the Holy see confirmed the Economy is a huge imbalance in the Budget. With 25 to 45 percent reduction in revenues due to the Corona of the crisis was to be expected, said father Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves the website, Vatican News