With a delay of two months to meet China’s leaders in Beijing for the National people’s Congress. 3,000 delegates of the Communist party, decide the roadmap for the coming years. As always, it is also a great staging. The fact that China, a Congress with thousands of participants to the legs, to symbolize the victory over the Coronavirus.

However, this week it is not only the Look and Glamour of Beijing, but also to concrete economic facts and plans. China in January was the epicenter of the Corona-pandemic and is now the first large state that can drive its economy up again. The disease has left traces: The gross domestic product dropped to 6.8 percent in the first quarter, up to 80 million people have lost their Job.

Corona makes domestic political goals by negating

To two internal political goals, the Prime has shifted to Xi Jinping in the distance: first, he wanted to double the GDP of 2010 by the end of 2020. The had already done the year-long dispute with the USA a hard time, now it seems impossible. China would need over the full year, estimating a GDP way-growth of around six percent. However, even without Corona, the state landed in year-on-year at 6.1 percent. Unlikely that this is the first quarter repeatable.

Second Xi wanted to erase the poverty in the country. By the end of 2017, about 30 million Chinese still lived, especially in the countryside, of less than the equivalent of one Euro a day. 2019 there were only 16.6 million. But like the GDP, also applies here: Corona destroys the target.

New dispute with Hong Kong

Instead, the government now calls new goals: Nine million new Jobs should be created in the urban metropolises, the unemployment rate stabilised at around six per cent in the cities. A growth target for the economy, the party is not there. The times are too uncertain, said Prime Minister Li Keqiang in his opening speech last Friday.

uncertain of the Chinese leaders was the least of the Status of the Hong Kong special administrative region. Since June of last year, there are mass protests against Beijing’s influence on the city-state. On the people’s Congress should be a safety law was adopted that provides any kind of rebellion against the government is punishable. Actually, Beijing may adopt any laws without Hong Kong’s consent. For the safety act is now being exploited a grey zone. This is likely to inflame the mood in the city-state again. You will experience Beate Sander live!

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But these are all only minor, current problems, China needs to be day-to-day business done. On the agenda of the Congress, three major projects with which the country wants to be economically finally over to the USA to the world’s top drag are.

1. The new silk road

probably The most important projects of President Xi’s “New silk road”. With the gigantic project, China wants to create a vast trading network more than 100 countries. It is now up to Duisburg, on the sea route to Greece and the whole of Africa. Around 1,16 Billion Euro, China is investing. The money goes mainly for the construction of roads, rails, ports and airports in developing countries.

The project stalled in Corona times, because partner countries lack the money, or Chinese workers are not to enter may. For the future, will slow down the “New silk road” in order. China can no longer forgive so willingly loans as in the past. And Beijing knows how dangerous it is for your own Image, if you will, in the cafeteria. As Sri Lanka could no longer use a loan for a commercial port, 2017, secured China’s access for the next 99 years.

It was regarded as the precedent for all, suspected to be behind the trade policy of other political motives. That’s why China left a year later, Malaysia grant, as its new Prime Minister, the plans for a high-speed rail line and two Pipelines cancelte. Beijing adopted the partners in the South about eleven billion euros of debt.

China will let go of the “New silk road” but barely. It is enshrined in 2017 in the Chinese Constitution, and Xi has been announced, also want to in the future, hardly lowered thereby, make. Since January including a new agreement with Turkey, Nigeria and Myanmar have been closed, shows China’s determination.

2. High-Tech Investments for 1.3 trillion Euro.

the New infrastructure is good, but the big money is earned these days on the Internet. And here, China wants to massively upgrade. By 2025, Chinese Tech is to support companies with the equivalent of about 1.3 trillion euros. On the Agenda is the well-known words and phrases: 5G – Development, Artificial intelligence, Autonomous cars, and – especially important for China-the video surveillance are available.

China does not want to rely only on the global peak, but also its dependence on U.S. products minimize. How large the is, as yet, revealed last year, when US President Donald Trump, the Chinese network equipment and Smartphone maker Huawei from the US supplier loss exclusive. A case in point not to repeat itself in China better. Free “share check 2020” by Finanzen100

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critics of the massive investment in the own economy call “technological nationalism”. On the other hand, China is not alone in this. Also, South Korea has decided on an investment programme for the Tech sector.

3. China is investing more money for the military

On the first view harmless effective against the above-mentioned sums of the Plan of the people’s Congress, the military budget increase this year by 6.6 percent. Overall, China wants to spend 162 billion euros for its armed forces. That’s not even a third of what the USA spend on the military, with massive spending for veterans and the maintenance of the nuclear weapons are not attributed once.

However, the increase of the military spending is happening in China at a time when many other Items are reduced in the state budget. The social expenditure is to be reduced by 13.3 percent, the Ministry of education gets 7.5 percent less, and for the research 9.1 percent less output.

The focus on the military fits in to the previous policy of Xi. His national people’s army was always the largest standing army in the world, the President has modernized but especially. Meanwhile, China is building boats for his own aircraft carrier, Tarnkampfflugzeuge and nuclear submarine. Military conflicts, there is enough in front of the door.

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firstly, the decades would be long, so far mostly of a purely diplomatic battle for Taiwan, and considered Beijing to continue as a territory. Recently many disputes over Islands in the South China sea were added. Although mostly uninhabited, but if China can acquire, increased its territory in the sea areas in which many raw materials such as Oil and Gas believed to be. At the end of April, China executed two new management districts on the Islands of Xisha and Nansha. They are located 900 kilometers from the mainland and are only inhabited by a few soldiers. With military maneuvers China stresses again and again his claim to a large part of the sea, which is much closer to countries such as Vietnam or the Philippines.

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