only Armin Laschet in a new Corona Phase, at once a conflict between “Locals” and “Romanians and Bulgarians”. But the facts speak a different language. An Analysis.

Coronavirus* is contained in Germany, largely – but some of the Hotspots of the pandemic rages on. Once more, the situation seems to fuel resentment, both in politics as well as in the population. In the case of Tönnies, however, there is no evidence that nationality or travel play a role in the outbreak.

Düsseldorf/Berlin Corona-pandemic is no longer overrun, it seems, entered a new Phase: all countries – instead, the Virus is raging now, in mid-June, in Europe in particular, in each of the ” Hotspots “. Usually they do not even reach city size: and It seems to be in order to individual homes, individual economic enterprises, individual party nights.

The development now also appears (again) to Speak and to change the way of Thinking. Perhaps because the pandemic appears to be currently less than a General force of Nature and the search for specific persons in charge is relevant.

Coronavirus: Laschet provides for scandal – allegations of “Romanians and Bulgarians” is probably not durable

An example delivered on Wednesday (17. June) North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister, Armin Laschet* (CDU): On the question of a reporter after a connection between the Laschet mitverantworteten Corona-rules of the state and the mass outbreak in a Tönnies factory in Gütersloh, Germany Laschet rejected an impact of the existing measures. “That says nothing at all, because Romanians and Bulgarians are entered, and since the Virus comes from,” he claimed.

in view of the fact that the two southeastern European countries have registered so far, less Corona cases as a NRW , must have a real opportunity now to listen to the accusation that he was trying to pass its responsibilities on socially weaker groups. Moreover, up to 15. June is a quarantine requirement in the case of Arriving from Romania was.

The contenders for the candidacy for Chancellor of the Union, rowed back, and then took a but the working conditions in the enterprises targeted. The impression of a game with resentment remains, as well as some Users on Twitter complain about.

Corona: the case of Tönnies fired, apparently, resentment – but all are affected

However, seem to use appropriate assumptions in the local population of grass. In the ZDF news program “today” were on Thursday (18. June) also residents of the Tönnies plant in Rheda-Wiedenbrück concerned. In part of good choice of words to notice.

“go to the net, to Aldi and to purchase land and buy a and there are with the local population, I have a high average amount of” – “the power of a bad feeling about this,” said a from the transmitter Respondent Passer-by. A Virologist, said the TV station, meanwhile, it was unlikely that employees of the battle, friction drive example, in home visit attached.

That it is not exclusively about the distinction “Local” and “newcomers” and thus the focus on “Stranger” could even be a medical risk, explained on Friday evening, a measure of the district Gütersloh: In the case of Tönnies now all of the employees at the location Rheda-Wiedenbrück in quarantine. The concern of the administration, the Management and the top management of the group, informed the circle, including the hard in the critique standing partner Clemens Tönnies.

Corona and the consequences: “Here breaks something” – borders play in Europe a role

An “irrational” tendency to front formation along the state boundaries that had to be given on Thursday to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in a government statement. You alluded to the unabgesprochene closure of state boundaries at the beginning of the Corona pandemic. This is not (or no longer) had reprimanded virologists , even then, as at any given time makes sense.

Nevertheless, the phenomenon of international handle to: Danish expert, for example, showed their own government in wonder – it could only be a purely politically-motivated Signal, it said. To the borders within the EU , also in Germany, some observers, however, continue to have a negative impact find. “Here breaks something,” complained a “day theme”-commentator.

Corona-infections: carelessness and adverse conditions as the biggest danger?

it seems Clear that it is not about nationalities , or the drawing of state boundaries play the key role in the spread of the Virus*. But the pandemic situation-adapted behaviour to happen from now (in part, at the time, understandable) carelessness, as in “Corona-hub Ischgl”, from the apparently prosperous middle European, and also German, the Virus imported, in the case of strong beer festivals and family celebrations in Germany. Or due, apparently, to adverse work circumstances, such as in the case of Tönnies, the consequences of which now also the company-will meet bosses.

Exciting, could also be the impact of the journey-season . Several politicians already warn of major foreign Trips but could also threaten at the holidays in the home country. Corona knows no borders. Only People. And Error.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.