again and again by their owners, abandoned Pets put found. Also in Rochford in England, where the temperatures last weekend, climbed to 32 degrees Celsius, were found three poor dog puppy that someone had dumped in a cardboard box. The news site “BBC reported”.

A cyclist was on the carton carefully. As he discovered, the pooch, was one of them already dead. He brought the rest of the puppies – one male, the other female to a veterinarian. But any help came too late. The two four-legged friends also died.

Probably due to infectious disease

died reported to The chief inspector a Non-Profit animal protection organization, Samantha Garvey, that the approximately eight-week-old puppies were suffering, probably to a highly contagious infectious disease of dogs and cats of the canine parvovirus.

This can cause severe dehydration in animals by vomiting and diarrhea. Untreated, it usually ends fatally. The animal rights organization is concerned that the puppies of a European Farm were, were imported and one was abandoned after they have been sick.

Garvey described the incident as “terrible”. “We see this sort of thing often,” she said in an interview with “BBC”. “Dogs are imported because cheaper to get them from Europe, as here in the UK.”

a growing number of incidents during corona time

Just as the corona of the time, many people had no work and think now is the right time to buy a dog. “I would only ask that people research in advance really. Also, you want to buy a pet, you have reason to believe, that it is sick.”

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