This Winter in Europe was by Far the warmest since records began. The European climate change service Copernicus (Copernicus Climate Change Service C3S) announced on Wednesday in London.

Accordingly, the temperature between February 2019 and February 2020, was 3.4 degrees Celsius above the average temperature measured from the years 1981 to 2010 and 1.4 degrees above the so far warmest Winter 2015/16. Especially in the North and East of the continent, the temperature was higher than usual. The same applies to Siberia and Central Asia.

Due to the was not only on global warming, stress, C3S-Director Carlo Buontempo, according to the announcement. Seasonal temperatures were subjected to, especially outside of the tropics, year-to-year large fluctuations. Nevertheless, a reinforcing effect is to be assumed.

“Although that was a really extreme event, it is likely that these type of incidents were made by the global warming trend extreme,” says Buontempo.

data from satellites and ships

The seasons are defined in the meteorology, and astronomy are different. The meteorological Winter ended with the month of February to the end of. The calendar Winter ends with the equinox on March 20. March.

The climate change service of the EU created monthly reports on the air temperature, the sea ice and the water cycle. It relies on data from satellites, ships, aircraft, and weather stations around the globe. (chk/sda)

Created: 05.03.2020, 01:31 PM