1. Is it true that the thunder-Storm pile up in the summer?

Matthias Habel: Yes, that’s true. Over 90 percent of the Thunderstorms in Central Europe in the summer half of the year. The most important ingredient for Thunderstorm moist air because water vapor contains a lot of energy, which is released during Condensation of free. This energy is necessary so that the huge storm clouds can develop and grow. In addition, an unstable stratification of the air in the height is required. This means that it becomes colder and not randomly somewhere a layer of warmer air in the height is available. The stratification is unstable, thus, convection can use, so a movement of air. Warm air rises very fast and very far from the ground, cools down and thus releases the energy needed for the Storm.

2. You can determine exactly where a Thunderstorm with lightning and Thunder unloads?

Matthias Habel: no, where exactly is such a warm air bubble on the way to the height cannot be predicted exactly. You can compare this with a pot of water you heated on the stove. In advance you can predict that the water will boil. Where, exactly, but the bubbles are formed and then the water gushing and bubbling, is left to chance.

3. Not all of the Storm run off lightly. If, however, lightning strikes to the roof – who is liable?

Matthias Habel: For severe weather damage, there is no universal insurance. The lightning hit the house and caused a fire, does the household contents insurance for the damage. Therefore, all the tenants and housing-owners should make sure that you a household insurance. The owner should also complete a residential building insurance. Storm damage regulate insurance companies usually only when the Wind has reached at least the strength of the wind 8. Even when not at fault, such as the ingress of water through open doors or Windows, the insurance pays normally. The storm sweeps but a flower pot from the balcony, injured passers-by or damaged items, attacks usually liability insurance. No matter in which case, the damage should be done as soon as possible, reported to the insurance, because later-occurring consequential damages, takes no insurance.

4. What to do in case of storm damage to the vehicle or weather-related failure of the railroads?

Matthias Habel: If the vehicle was damaged in a storm by flying debris or uprooted trees, takes the motor Vehicle comprehensive insurance for the resulting damage. However, only in the case of a minimum wind speed of 8 Beaufort. Everything that is below this wind strength will be taken only by the fully comprehensive insurance. Good to know for commuters, public means of transport: railway companies have been obliged since 2009 to reimburse their customers for delays due to force majeure, including severe weather, a portion of the ticket price. This applies for a delay of 60 minutes.

This article was written by world of wonder

*The contribution of “summer storm: How come and who is liable for damage?” is published by world of wonders. Contact with the executives here.

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