in the spring of 1945: shots whipped through the silence that reigns on the idyllic Stolpsee normally. On the shore of the lake of the SS-men shot in these last weeks before the invasion of the Red army, a number of prisoners from the nearby concentration camp of Ravensbrück. The prisoners were driven before with boats on the lake, and had there sunk the crates in the water. Now they had to be to have knowledge of a state secret to be eliminated.

Because in the boxes there was a part of the extensive works of art, and of gold and other treasures, the Hermann Göring robbed during the war in many European countries. At the last Minute he wanted to save it from the grasp of the enemies, finally, Göring was seriously to can also after the war a leading role in Germany. There’s a little start-up could be capital very helpful. Exciting, but just no time?

Now save articles for later, in “the Pocket”

Several treasure hunters searched for göring’s looted art

The story sounds like the flashback to Appreciate a thrilling movie theater-Blockbuster about the search for lost Nazi. She has only one drawback: It is rather unlikely that it is true. The treasure prevented but viewfinder not because, in the past decades, several times the muddy bottom of the only 13-Meter-deep lake after the crates to search.

The first Erich Mielke was. It is surprising, in the best case, at first glance, that, of all things, the infamous Stasi chief made at the beginning of the eighties to the search. Because the GDR staggered on the verge of bankruptcy and in urgent need of money for foreign currency. A treasure in the Stolpsee would have been a welcome help, because in the West would have found potent customers. And besides, Mielke was also for many years, with immense expense to the legendary amber room search. It should be buried according to rumors, somewhere in a mine tunnel in Thuringia, but was not found until today.

The tip came from a well-known Western journalists

Mielkes tipster came from the West and there was a man who would soon become world famous – albeit in a way he had certainly not desired. The man’s name was Gerd Heidemann, was a Reporter for the magazine “Stern” and a big Fan of Nazi memorabilia. In the heart of Hermann Goering stood in for him.

Heath’s obsession went so far that he left his Yacht “Carin II” bought and lavishly restored. In the meantime, he was in a relationship even with göring’s daughter Edda. Heidemann made the 1983 world headlines when he published the “Hitler diaries”. The proved, however, immediately as a fake – Heidemann and Stern were embarrassed to the bone.

Two years earlier, Heidemann believed to have a different highlight in the Hand. In 1981, the Karlsruhe-based arms dealer and former members of the Waffen-SS Medard Klapper contacted him. He reported that a man came to him, posing as a former SS officer göring. The 80-Year-old had lived after the war for a long time in Venezuela and was now returned impoverished to Germany.

A treasure map should show the way

He handed over the collapse of a map of a roughly sketched the lake, with the Outlines of the Stolpsees. At the bottom of a building was marked, the still in a forest, and to the left of two tree stumps were to be seen. One of them had been bashed in with a large nail. He was marked with an arrow. Further North, another building was noted, wore a cross and the Name Peter was written. All parties Involved saw it as a note on the Stolpsee location Himmelpfort.

Klapper believed his informant and Heidemann believed collapse. Heidemann also knew, from whom Erich Mielke, the feared head of the East German state security service had to apply:. In fact, Mielke immediately jumped in, as the Journalist from the West, told him of the thing, to him, the map showed, and enumerated some of what could be hidden in the Stolpsee in the Uckermarck so everything in the muddy ground.

It was a matter of no less than 47 boxes with paintings, especially Old Masters, but also three boxes with 450 kilograms of Gold and platinum. And as a special treat, Heidemann promised, in addition, two-thirds of the amber room.

Goering’s huge robbery treasure

in fact, Goering’s robbery of treasure had grown over the years it incessantly and in the end, among other things, 1375 paintings, 250 sculptures, 108 tapestries, and more than 500 other objects of art, this included. Had collected it all on his country estate Carinhall in the Schorfheide. He left the building shortly before the end of the war to blow up, after most of the art objects were to have been managed.

And so Mielke continued, after he had studied the map, and Heath’s conjecture is a member of, 36 years later, an extensive search operation in gear. Previously, he was dealt with Heath’s offer: In case of success, both wanted to share the loot equally. Months the otherwise idyllic tranquility was disturbed on the Stolpsee. The lake was cordoned off, and with combat divers and dredgers in the framework of “Operation autumn wind”was searched and ransacked. Sensitive metal detectors scoured the carefully mapped reason. Was found old war scrap: except nothing. Each week provides you FOCUS Online with the most important news from the knowledge Department. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

This meager result is not surprising really, when you look at the facts and the background in a little more detail. Apart from the fact that Heidemann’t think was worthy source, it will be the same for his informant, apparently, even less. Had introduced himself as a SS officer göring. The Problem is that Goering had no accompanying command from officers of the SS. Their proximity to he would have approved because of his competitive relationship to SS chief Heinrich Himmler does not have the same. Göring was guarded around the clock by soldiers of the air force, whose chief he was.

rescue in the last Minute

The crucial question was: Did Goering really appreciate his Robbery in the Stolpsee sink? The military situation of Germany was in the Winter and spring dramatically. The fact that the third Reich had lost the war long ago, could be no more doubts, finally, the Red army had crossed to the East the borders already. Göring had no illusions, and set up a rescue operation for its treasures in motion.

A part of his treasure, Göring, already in 1943, in the Berwerk Aussee, in the Steiermark store. Historically, the transports, with which the other part of the treasure before the Russians brought to safety should be guaranteed. It took place on the 23. February, 13. March and 15. April, 1945. The goal, however, was not of the Stolpsee, but Berchtesgaden. The greatest part was discovered soon after Munich managed. Nevertheless, the rumors fell silent never a part of had been sunk in a lake in the vicinity of Carinhall, or in the woods buried. Is this possible? Could at least be a part of there have been hidden?

The Stolpsee is located in the vicinity of a concentration camp

For the Stolpsee was able to talk to its proximity to the ravensbrück concentration camp, because there were the necessary Work easily prisoners are transported. However, in two circumstances: firstly, the shallow depth of the Stolpsees of only 13 metres, languages but especially. And secondly, there was the big döllnsee in the vicinity of Carinhall a body of water. The Stolpsee is a total of 40 kilometers. Why would Göring to take the other way in the purchase?

a statement Heath’s and his informants barely could. Because according to your specifications Göring had hidden in the Stolpsee also melted Gold from concentration camp inmates from ravensbrück. But he had no access at all. Because the concentration camps were operated by Heinrich Himmler of the SS and Himmler watched with Argus eyes to the fact that his prey fell to another in the hands. Proof, the SS-hauptsturmführer Bruno Melmer more than 79 times such items at the Reichsbank in Berlin, for the last time on the 5 provided. January 1945.

, other treasure hunters tried their luck

Mielkes failure was not the only failed attempt to recover the alleged Nazi treasure in the Stolpsee. After the end of the GDR, people from Germany, England and Israel made several times in private on the search – but always unsuccessfully. This does not necessarily mean that it is not but something on the bottom of the lake. As for the shooting action on the shores of the lake there is a witness who wants to have observed the Events in March 1945, and was later officially log. Also, the alleged treasure map is now surfaced.

The 2016 deceased pastor and local historian Erich Köhler, who worked for many years with the legend of the Nazi treasure, came up with a different theory. Therefore, may have been sunk in the spring of 1945 actually boxes, but with Nazi documents, for example, about the concentration camp Ravensbrück. Also in the competent state office for Archaeological monument care, you thought the possible. However, If the Stolpsee holds a secret he has kept it to this day. Researchers develop new formula for the calculation of dog’s age – so you can FOCUS Online/Wochit researchers work to develop new formula for the calculation of dog’s age – how it works