in the middle of the 19th century. Century were wolves in Germany, as extinct. According to strict legal requirements for the protection of animals today. The document counts for the documentation and Advisory Agency of the Federal government for the Wolf (DBBW) in Germany, the total of 105 confirmed pack, 25 pairs and 13 territorial animals. Caught or killed, you may not be.
The hunter Foundation “Natur+mensch” criticized the public opinion and calls for a Revision of the statutory provisions. Because no one knows how much “real” Wolf put in the animals, which encouraged Federal and provincial Ministers of the environment annually with high amounts in millions, as the Chairman, Marc Henrich man writes on the Portal of the hunter Foundation.
in your view, of the favourable conservation status of the Eurasian wolf in Germany had reached more than – that’s why it had to be for the relief of the grazing animal owners and taxpayers the ability “to impose certain quotas on ‘wolves’, which are set annually,” calls for Henrich man. This is also for the “highly values get Shy in front of the people, as experiences from other countries prove indispensable,” as it is called.
What characterizes a Wolf and what is hybrid a Wolf-dog?
Essential is a clear Definition of what makes a real Wolf. “Also in favour of the protection of species and of the wolves themselves, the Public should be located on a clear determination of what proportion of the wolves in Germany worthy of the name at all, and how many hybrids live in the wild and damage and fear cause,” explains Henrich man.
this is an overstatement, it could be the case of a progressive hybridization of the wolves otherwise, come to that, “that ‘wolves’ appearance soon, such as German shepherds or Labradors, which are not more wolf like, but her natural Shyness and to lose,” predicts hunter. dpa/picture-alliance / Bernd Thissen/dpabild A Wolf (Canis Lupus Lupus) in an enclosure.
As the criteria for when an animal should be classified as a Wolf, and thus as particularly worthy of protection, and when as wolf-like, the other provisions apply, the hunter Foundation, along with the appearance of additional genetic points of view.
a forensic investigation of suspected wolf cracks, how would you, for example, used for the Transfer of the offender in offences of Violence on the people, would be, in your opinion, is an appropriate Alternative to the previously applied methods. In addition, the hunter Foundation, calls for the disclosure of the reference samples on the basis of which today the wolf cracks examined and on the basis of the grazing animal’s owner compensation or compensation would be rejected. “Maybe it’s because the ‘secret’ test result is called, once again, a dog that was perhaps actually a wolf hybrid, as a cause of the damage”, speculate the hunters.
Ministry holds hybrid discussion so far of little relevance
On the part of the Federal Ministry for the environment, it is to the question of why the Wolf is so strictly protected and not hunted should be, so far: “A regulation by the hunting or shooting of the wolf stocks in front of the Background of the strict protection status of the wolf and the risk status of the German Population is not possible.”
The issue of hybridization has in the opinion of the Ministry in Germany also, it only has a small relevance. Because Wolf-dog-hybrids (in short, hybrids) are less well adapted to a life in the wild as wolves, and the wolf is typical of the caution may be pronounced for you may be lower the probability that you get more often in conflict with the people, although higher than in the case of wolves. “Thus, it is conceivable that the hybrids have been committing increasingly to Attacks on livestock or that they are more often seen close to towns than wolves”, such as the environment, writes the Ministry. Evidence suggests that wild hybrids for the people are more dangerous than wolves, don’t give it to but.
The wolf occurrence in Germany focuses the according to official data, on the territory of the Saxon Lusatia, about Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to lower Saxony. For the first Time since the extinction of the species in Germany 2018/2019 were also in the Federal States of Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein each individual territorial wolves confirmed. Each week provides you FOCUS Online with the most important news from the knowledge Department. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.
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