After the long night in Bhubaneswar, the newly crowned hockey world champion is returning to Germany. Long after winning the 5:4 penalty thriller against Belgium, the team and coaches celebrated success in India, where coach André Henning and eight of his national players won the World Cup with the U21s ten years ago.

“I have huge respect for the world-class hockey we play. Turning a 0-2 win into a win three times in a knockout game shows this irrepressible will and outstanding mental strength,” said the national coach.

DHB sports director Martin Schultze was completely enthusiastic and hopes for further successes this year, when the European Championships will be held in Mönchengladbach that’s unbelievable. That was an unbelievable tournament performance,” said Schultze.

Even before the return, many players gradually became aware of what they had achieved. “After what we’ve done here, I don’t think anyone can say we didn’t deserve it. We’re so incredibly proud,” said international Moritz Trompertz.