Ronni Schack Pedersen has over 15 years been a regular man on the C2 grandstand in the Park. Here, he has proudly followed his team FC Copenhagen in the thick and thin.

But after Thursday’s Europa League clash against Malmö FF, he was everything else than happy.

At the C2 stage, which is known for hosting some of the most faithful fans, and families, was Ronni Schack namely not only surrounded by other FCK fans, who should see if their boys could take it the next step further in the european tournament.

There were also between 200 and 300 Swedish fans, who erupted in wild cheers, as the guests scored.

“It is absolutely reprehensible. Unfortunately I’m afraid that our own club gives priority to earn some money for selling all the tickets. I have never experienced anything like this,” says an irritated Ronni Schack Pedersen B. T.

B. T. have been in contact with several people who were present in the Park on Thursday evening. They tells all, how the Swedish Malmö-fans were present everywhere. On the Upper A-tribune was the swedes thus, in the clear majority, while both the Lower C and the other grandstands also had a large number of udebanefans.

B. T. s man in the Park could also see how a part of the Lower C at a time even was framed in by the cops, who sought to shield the Swedish fans from the Danish.

According to Ronni Schack Pedersen is also not talking about a one-off hit. This has been the case in several of the european matches he has seen. Thursday night, however, it was on a different level than in the past.

“It can’t be true that you must find out to pay each and every week of so to see that they close any check. It is, therefore, happened to so much trouble. For the coming trouble, when there are 200-300 Swedish fans, as the stands and cheering on our tribune.”

He is not even after the many Malmö fans. He had done exactly the same if it was him, who had been among the Swedish fans, and FCK had scored. No, it is FC Copenhagen, he is after.

Ronni Schack Pedersen’s experience on Thursday night was not improved by the fact that he missed the first small 15 minutes of one of the most important FCK matches this year.

Many entries to the C-stage was blocked by the Thursday evening for security reasons. This meant that the queue on the way into the stadium was very long.

“We were rejected in several of the other entries, so we had to neatly stand and wait in a massive queue to get into the stadium. So when the fight started, we stood still in front of the stadium,” he says.

B. T. has presented the criticism of FC Copenhagen, who on Friday has written the following comment in a text message:

“We are of course infuriating that there are spectators who have had a bad experience. Our main focus is always that it is as safe as possible, and therefore we have had very strong focus on trying to avoid that fangrupperne was mixed,” writes FC Copenhagen’s head of communications, Jes Mortensen.

He says further, that they have dismissed more than 7,000 attempted purchase of tickets on the grounds of suspicion, that there was talk about the FCK-fans. They have further made aware that the Malmö-fans only had to stay in udebaneafsnittet or the VIP area.

Additionally, the several hundred fans in the gates on Thursday evening, and escorted a great many out during the fight.

“We can’t reject people solely in order to be Swedish, since it can be interpreted as racist on our part, and therefore it is only when stadionreglementet was broken, we could potentially send people out – and also here, it should be done in a secure way for people on the stage.”

“It has been a big problem to solve perfectly with just the here fight, because there is a close relationship between the countries and the cities. We regret, of course, the genes, it has given, and is conversely pleased that it did not give serious damage to anyone,” concludes kommunikationschefen its sms.

FC Copenhagen lost on Thursday night, 0-1 Malmö FF, but ended up yet to move on from Europa League-group stage, en Lugano took the points from Dynamo Kiev.