sun, heat, drought: In the coming days, the summer does not let up in the weather. In the West, it was on Thursday when up to 34 degrees at its warmest, in the South-East, the Thermometer climbed to 29 degrees, such as the German weather service (DWD) reported.

On Friday, according to the DWD in the top even hotter: The maximum values are 30 to 36 degrees. Also at the weekend, the Trend continues: On Saturday and Sunday, the maximum values are when the sun is at up to 37 degrees.

Extreme heat: in the Night threaten tropics nights

as of Friday, tropical nights will be added. The temperatures no longer fall below 20 degrees. In cities it may be at midnight, still 25 degrees. “In the coming week, so a DWD-expert is not to be expected with a change in the weather situation to”,. “The models are in agreement that the heat remains with us for now.”

However, the risk of forest fires in Brandenburg is rising again. Also, the rain from the past weekend have not changed anything, so the evaluation of the forest fire protection representative of the country, Raimund Engel. “That was a drop in the famous sand of the floor.”

Brandenburg suffers from dryness

High temperatures and solar radiation caused the water to quickly evaporate, and the dryness is deep in the ground. “The danger is quite quickly again.” 2019 it burned surfaces 417 Times on Brandenburg’s forest. More than 13 000 hectares went up in flames. 2018 it had burned 512 Times on a total of 1674 hectares. Brandenburg has approximately 1.1 million hectares of forest.

The extreme and continuing drought now has historical dimensions. According to scientists from the Helmholtz-centre for environmental research (UFZ) suffer from many regions of Central Europe under the worst drought in 250 years.

the worst drought in 250 years

A German-Czech team of scientists under the leadership of the UFZ has the past two drought years 2018 and 2019, classified in the number of long-term global climate data for the last 250 years. “This showed that there has been since 1766 in Central Europe, not a two-year summer drought of this magnitude,” said the researchers. Drought and dry periods are expected to continue to increase, is the conclusion of scientists.

forest fire protection officer angel sets on fire forest fire stations, with video surveillance in the country, to prevent the quick Alarm of fire, the spread of the fires brigades. “This technique is used, comes from space research,” explained the expert. She was better than any human eye. High-resolution Sensors registered the clouds of smoke over the treetops, and reported this to a forest fire Central. These inform the dispatchers. dpa/Patrick Pleul/dpa-Central image/dpabild dried up the river bed of the Black Elster.

The South is observed from a Headquarters in Wünsdorf (Teltow-Fläming) from up to seven employees from the values of the images. The North should take in the coming year, a newly established Headquarters in Eberswalde (Barnim). At the time of this part of the country will be supervised by three smaller Bodies, described angel.

A hope of the forest fire protection officer in the forest conversion. The country plans to reduce the pine percentage in favour of deciduous trees, so the forest is less vulnerable to pests, drought and fires. Forest fire areas are to be reforested, and on previous pine mono-cultures of stable mixed forests are to be created. Brandenburg has approximately 1.1 million hectares of forest. More than 70 percent of the trees are pine trees.

Also interesting: Europe is “devastated” more and more Extreme drought: Where in Germany in the future deserts

threaten High risk of forest fire observation flights in Swiss francs

Because of high risk of forest fires will be flying on the weekend also in the whole of CHF helicopters and observation aircraft over the forests. The dryness of the last days of a concern in lower Franconia, drought, informed the district administration in Würzburg.

that is Why circles are from Friday to Sunday, air observer, with two Observation aircraft over the endangered forests of the Swiss franc.

The forest fire danger index of the German weather service according to especially in Bayern currently Under – and upper Franconia compromised . The upper Franconian government ordered for Saturday and Sunday observation flights over the forests.

The Franconia district governments warn against to fiddling around in the woods with an open fire. In addition, they point out that from 1. March to 31. October applicable in forests, a ban on Smoking. A spark or a discarded cigarette butt Grass could ignite, needle litter and fallen branches. DWD

High risk of forest fire high risk of forest fire is also in the state of Hesse

in many Parts of Hesse. The Hessian Ministry for the environment, called on Thursday, the second-highest alert level for forest management. Due to the continuing drought, forest fire danger escalating, it said. According to the information had fallen during the whole of July, only a third of the average precipitation. In the case of the self-proclaimed level A is the first of two alarm levels.


Frankfurt is to adopt due to dryness barbecue ban

The city of Frankfurt due to the ongoing drought and associated fire danger for a barbecue ban in Parks and other urban green spaces have been adopted. Open fire, gas grills, but also with a glowing coal powered Shisha water pipes are banned from now on, informed Hesse’s largest city on Thursday.

“I very much regret that we have to ban grilling in the current Situation. But on all of our barbecue areas, trees, even the Grass can ignite in a flash,” said head of the environment Department Rosemarie Holy (Green). In addition, no grave lights should be lit in the cemeteries because of the risk of fire, and more. For the forest in Frankfurt’s city area is the highest forest in the applicable stage of a fire.

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