a Long time, it was to Georgia to a standstill after the brief Caucasus war of 2008. After only five days, Russia had at the time on 8. August, with his troops in the Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia occupied and as a sovereign country recognized. Although the Russian government remained failed in the recognition of this annexation of almost the entire international community so far. However, in contrast to the Russian annexation of Eastern Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula, which has remained Out of the release of the two Georgian provinces international until today unpunished.

Now the Georgian government in the capital city of Tbilisi, however, is again Alarm and accused Russian President Vladimir Putin, the annexation of more creeping forward. More still: in an internal position paper, the present FOCUS Online, Putin accused the corona of a crisis to exploit, to move the borders of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, more insidiously, in Georgian territory.

“Hybrid warfare and aggressive media propaganda,”

Contrary to the request of the UN Secretary-General to the Russian Federation, to make the “illegal action against Georgia” undo would have done the Russian side is nothing of the sort. The Georgian government has accused Putin in the paper, “hybrid warfare,” including an “aggressive media propaganda” against Georgia.

dpa-graphics card to have the autonomy to regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia

Putin, in the shadow of the corona crisis “of illegal border signs and barbed-wire fences along the occupation line” is accused of being built. This process of “Boderization”, what means as much as “Vergrenzung”, would the same time, 14 towns in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the cause to “considerable tension” on the border and among the Georgian population. In the occupied district of Akhalgori had been refused by the “Russian occupation” to the medically necessary evacuation. Since the closure of the occupation lines, 15 people have died due to lack of medical treatment.

the Georgian government, reports of torture are young and killings by Russians

with the occupation of the local population in the occupied areas, it was also “the target of kidnappings and illegal arrests by the occupying forces,” further reads the position paper. “Since 2008, the Georgian government’s arrests of more than 3000 people have registered, including women, children and the elderly, and the disabled.” There is even talk of “torture and killing in a particularly disobedient” Georgians.

Targeted disinformation campaign against Corona Institute

To the “hybrid Russian warfare” is, according to the Georgian government, the media Propaganda during the corona of a crisis. So the “Richard Lugar Center for Public Health Research”, one of the main objectives of a “Russian disinformation campaign”. The Russian side has accused the Institute, “to develop substances that can provoke the spread of diseases”. The Georgian government considers this to be, according to the paper as an “attempt to combat the Covid-19-pandemic”, because the Lugar Institute was the most important medical institution of the country against the Virus.

Georgia wants to keep in the EU, Russia wants to influence on Oil Pipeline

The Georgian policy has for years pursued a stronger orientation to the West. The government in Tbilisi is seeking a recording in the EU and Nato. Russia is trying to use his influence in the black sea Region extending to an oil Pipeline, better control of the Georgian port city of Supsa in the Azerbaijan capital of Baku leads to the Caspian sea.

Georgian Ambassador to Germany Levan Izioria, accuses the government in Moscow, not to the conditions of the EU-brokered ceasefire agreement of 12. To hold August 2008. In the regions of Russia have set up literally military bases, says Izoria, the “Business Insider”. “On Georgian territory to troops with 10,000 troops are illegally stationed, in addition, as well as the Offensive as well as defensive missile systems.”

The Federal Foreign office in Berlin assured the Georgians, meanwhile: “Germany stands firmly on the side of Georgia, and for the territorial sovereignty and integrity of Georgia. Germany is involved in terms of personnel on the civilian observation mission of the EU (EUMM) and in the office of the EU special representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia.“

Trump raises allegations: Germany have made “assets” with U.S. troops FOCUS Online/Wochit Trump raises allegations: Germany have made “assets” with U.S. troops
