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this week, this week: North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), visited refugee camps in Greece. His counterpart from Bavaria, the Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU), maintains its hard line in the fight against the pandemic. And the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), the free now Corona-Tests for Rear passengers.

Violent, but what is commanded as to the interpretations of these messages: Laschet travels to the refugees, because he wants to win in the race for the CDU presidency and the chancellorship again. Markus Söder, only the strong Corona-fighter, because he can distinguish themselves in the race for the chancellorship, or at least leave a door open want to keep. Spahn out on a new Image of the understanding of the social politician, because he wants to get involved in the race for the top post but still. And also, the passion with which the Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) hangs in the debates on the Corona-AIDS – thinks only of his party friends, to him, the Chancellor candidacy applications to. All interpretation Attempts this week.

Merkel has the Power in the view

So, you are politicians, you know, you have seen already hundreds of times, you think only of your Power: you Know one, you know all – Oh, yeah?

dpa/Peter Kneffel/dpa/Pool/dpa, Markus Söder (CSU) is a master of political staging. His journey with Angela Merkel (CDU) to the island of Herrenchiemsee is just one example. Who top politicians like him always and everywhere a pure power calculus is assumed, but is trying to hide key points.

No question about it: a politician without a Power football are like swimmers on the pool edge, inside without the Ball, cooks without the stove. The most Important thing is missing. Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), which is often praised as an extremely modest and unpretending, has internalized for years: Without Power, nothing can work. For this reason, politicians have to fight on the inside and a politician constantly in order to keep this Power, or to win. Scruples work as often as brakes.

With a visit to the refugee camps of the points?

want to, of Course, Laschet, Söder, Spahn and Scholz, as well as possible into the crucial Phase in the struggle for influence and top post to start. All four are politicians in the first League, the don’t dominate the keyboard of the business, not only theoretically, but in all the octaves can play.

And, of course, is also the state of load-bearing restraint of the Green-Chairman Robert Habeck and Anna Lena Baerbock not lived selflessness, but has a tactical component because important points are on the Seriositäts-scale collected. All this hide would be very naive. Who but top politicians in all the decisions always pure tactics, has suffered during the Watching of the political business in Germany, apparently, a Deformation.

Detail on the edge: If you can score points with the visit of refugee camps in Germany at all, anyway is a different question.

Instagram/Jens Spahn, Armin Laschet (left) and Jens Spahn (both CDU) met at the lake of Constance. Policy Show is not – but only.

Who thinks only of himself, violated his oath of office

In the case of the refugees on the Greek Islands it goes to people in greatest Need, the Corona pandemic is a threat to the health of millions of people and for the world economy. Pursued Laschet, Söder, Spahn & Co in their decisions, in fact, only your personal career plans, then you would have to talk to your further advancement, but through their being thrown out. Because you would constantly violate their oath of office. Those who think in matters of life and death only, is not for the “good of the German people”, but out of self-interest. Such politicians were on the siding, and instantly.

Just: the business is not just in Germany. All power struggles are being played out currently, neither the Düsseldorf Munich Berlin responsibility-free zones. In particular, what have the laschet’s, Söders and Spahns of tactical Maneuvers in the eye: The accusation that they hide what in the end, is completely wrong.

The “Hold-the-thief”Calling nerves

Who the Topleuten every, but really every action or decision a pure power calculus, has not to look about the political business particularly well, but seems to have a cynical view developed. This permanent Call of the brand “Stop thief”, than you would have caught just a politician caught in the act, not of nerve only, but to destroy the political business. You make at the end of every serious Matter is a personnel issue.

the refugee crisis, and Corona-pandemic-the-Scenes for an exciting spectacle of Power, but a very serious, deadly serious. Anyone who thinks permanently in all matters, to the supposed cunning of politicians come out of the closet, done in truth is the Job of AfD. It benefits, namely, at the end of it, when the impression hardens, top politicians in Germany are nothing else than the selfishness-driven, power-hungry beings. You are not.

Explosion in Beirut: aerial images show scale of destruction PCP Explosion in Beirut: aerial images show scale of destruction