The sounders Ifop Jérôme Fourquet and Marie Gariazzo publish, in partnership with The Point, and the Fondation Jean-Jaurès, In immersion (Threshold), record meticulous of moods and questions of the French during the confinement. Here are the result of our interview, the first part is to read here.

The Point : The business world will he be spared by the social tensions of post-containment that we are beginning to see emerge in the society ?

Marie Gariazzo : In business, we see that most of the employees have the feeling to have played the game from the outset, that this is in f…

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The view of France, confined : “The time Mad Max comes in” The mind of France, confined : “I choke, I lack of air” What think France confined : towards a society paranoid ? The view of France, confined : “what sauce shall we be eaten ? “