and for a Chancellor candidacy has nothing Funny about him. It is a rather serious matter, in Corona times since. Anyway – maybe a pandemic-Chancellor will be the next Chancellor candidate of the Union. The election is next year in the fall, until then, it looks like we will be still plagued by Corona.

Until then, we are still experiencing levels of unemployment. Or always more expensive chips. Or the end of the pedestrian zone. Everything is terribly important, all important, anyway, than a mere change of personnel. The life and our destiny weighs heavier than the question of which man replaces the wife. Therefore, it is demeaning: If the Union always talks about the K-question, insulted you, basically, your voters. So, we will see in a moment.

About the author: Ulrich Reitz

Ulrich Reitz worked as a correspondent in the world, was in the starting team of FOCUS, which he led, and was a total of 17 years as editor-in-chief of the two largest German regional newspaper “WAZ” and “Rheinische Post”. He deals with the societal consequences of digitalization, the cultural foundations of Germany and the Performance of its elites in politics and the economy. Reitz sees itself as economically ordoliberal and politically conservative. He appreciates the well-maintained controversy.

Dominik Butzmann Ulrich Reitz

According to Corona, and nothing will ever be as it was. The Virus has already spawned politically active football player. The Ex-footballer Thomas Berthold said on an Anti-masks-Demo that everyone should self-determine whether he’s running around with the mouth-nose protection or not. And that he would wish for a new party, maybe one that takes care of the people. I’m skeptical from experience. If parties announce to take care of people, it is usually expensive, and for us. Parties don’t have purses.

Laumann was planned to be a concert “legally” in the question

I have nothing players against politically active former football. There is no reason to doubt their education. Politicians have to offer in this relationship is mandatory and more. Karl-Josef Laumann, for example. The man is working and the Minister of health in North Rhine-Westphalia. And, as such, a leading CDU politician. Three things I can think of to Laumann, which everyone just calls “the Karl-Josef”. Karl Joseph is a guy’s guy Westphalian-style.

finally, he said, to have to a in the düsseldorf soccer stadium, concert, planned for “legal” question, because that’s where the 13,000 spectators to participate in can. The mayor of düsseldorf replied, of course, you’ve checked the basics for the concert “legally”. On the basis of the North Rhine-Westphalian Corona-regulation. And the originates from – just: “Karl-Josef”.

All the information about the Coroanvirus in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Laumann was delighted then to the public on the measures with which the Federal government meat manufacturers such as Tönnies, well, shall we say: on a different ethic in terms of the could use and verse chnitzeln want to commit. People like Tönnies would have disappointed his trust, said Laumann. What is the reason the Minister had to trust for years Tönnies?

With double false statement is trying to Laumann, Laschet succor

Finally, Laumann came up with the idea, just a little in the trouble-stricken CDU Chairman and Chancellor candidate, contender, Armin beispringen Laschet to to. Laumann, a fell, at first glance, convincing Argument, according to Laschet’s no way around lead. “I have not yet seen a Bavarian Chancellor would have been,” said Laumann. Now, as Ludwig Erhard, the German government was the chief, was Laumann between six and nine years old.

It is a double False statement: first, there was a Bavarian German Chancellor Erhard is not from Altötting, but Fürth belongs to Bavaria, and secondly, Laumann must have seen him. In this respect, it is questionable whether Laumann and his plea against the Laschet competitors Markus Söder – a, Franke has also helped – his service to the Lord really.

Laumann said even chips would have to stay cheap. “I don’t want to have the time back that there was meat only on Sundays.” Now a says, but now, in the meantime, any doctor, that man is not made to eat meat every day. And since we have not spoken of the climate issues yet. But Laumann is a jovial, nice guy, but also the Minister of health, and such is the plea for the daily-Discount-cutlets, at least, a remarkable statement.

What is a modern people’s party needs?

Which brings us to the question of what a modern people’s party. In the meantime, you can buy at Aldi fillet steaks. In the case of the Edeka dry aged T-Bone beef pieces. In the case of Rewe even Tomahawk Steaks. Obviously change the meat lovers, their habits, otherwise it is not explainable that traders carry the shopping masses with expensive beef in to temptation. In the case of one dealer I found last gluten-free beer.

Is due to the people’s party in the future: My daily one-fifty-chop give me today? It is also in the morning still social, as the health Minister see it as his task to appropriate guarantees?

K-question: is A people’s party not allowed to the whole age cohort repel

The Greens want to recently let 16-Year-old in the case of elections to the Bundestag vote. This is only logical, according to studies, nearly half of the Teenagers would choose the Green. The CDU rejects the request, probably due to the preference of the youth for the Green. This is from the Union to the extent of negligence, as a 16-Year-old, only two years later, 18-Year-old became, their political priorities may have in the short time hardly moved.

What is so close to the subjects thoughts, to connect the Younger minds, so a little climate policy, with a secure future jobs? The Alternative – a people’s party, which repels a whole age cohort, will very soon be no more.

extinction of the pedestrian zones: CDU must deliver proposals

Laumanns colleague Ina pawing Bach makes worrying about the pedestrian zones in North Rhine-Westphalia cities and towns. Which are now endangered such as the yellow-bellied toad, the barbastelle bat, or hamster. Corona brings you closer to just the extermination of a good chunk. But the pandemic is only an accelerator, the reason is the Internet. In the network to order a lot of people keep now for more attractive than the analog shopping in shops with a limit on range.

What does now pawing Bach? “If the people want a lively downtown with trading, then you must stop buying online and just see what the dealers offer on-the-spot.” The trouble is: The people do already, that’s why the long confused the inner cities die eventually. A people’s party like the CDU could make a few suggestions, what should be the common pedestrian area. And how you want to accomplish.

now If we look at what important politicians from North Rhine-hatch Westphalia so, then the suspicion is affecting us. Should Armin laschet’s desire to succeed Angela Merkel to be not a distinct ambition due to make a career? It is in truth – an escape?

“We were all wrong”: Ex-Trump-Familiar frustrated because he is frustrated in the President’s feigned FOCUS Online/Wochit “We were all wrong”: Ex-Trump-Familiar, because he is the President feigned heat in Germany: 37 degrees hot and then rain and Thunderstorms dpa heat come out strong in Germany: 37 degrees is hot – then rain and Thunderstorms

come strong