foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian voice on Monday to the press in Beijing as a “demonstration of power with ulterior motives”. It was a provocation by the United States and undermines peace and stability in the Maritime area. The approach promotes the militarisation of the South China sea.

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The Chinese maneuver around the Paracel Islands were not, however, objectionable, because the group of Islands belong to China, said the spokesman. Although the Islands are also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan, gave Zhao Lijian, that there is no dispute about that. US criticism of China’s maneuvers “completely ignores the facts.”

Washington had accused the leadership in Beijing, to destabilize the situation in the South China sea with its Exercises. The sea area is located between China, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines. Beijing claimed 80 percent of the resource-rich sea, through the major shipping lanes run. The International court of arbitration in The Hague rejected in 2016, the territorial claims. China ignored the verdict but.

Continued tension between China and the U.S.

The “USS Ronald Reagan” and the “USS Nimitz” had, according to U.S. media reports, on Saturday in the sea region has one of the greatest Exercises for a Long time started. The relations between China and the United States are extremely tense. The US government makes Beijing serious allegations of the use of the Corona pandemic. There are also numerous other points in dispute between the largest economies in the world, such as trade issues, or Beijing’s dealings with Hong Kong.

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