The US President, responds amazingly to a survey-Flop of the channel CNN feels the Actions of certain “Regime” reminds. Challenger Biden is afraid of a Bad thing.

The US presidential election is fast approaching: In November 2020 will be* chosen. Donald Trump reacts unexpectedly to a negative survey – he calls CNN an apology. Challenger Joe Biden ecial meanwhile, already now on a possible “choice-theft” Trumps.

Washington – In around four months for the Americans to choose a President. the polls on election outcome are at this time a matter of course – but the handling of incumbent Donald Trump* a survey with unliebsamem output has now pulled even more of a scandal after The head of the government, and the transmitter is CNN exchanged sharp accusations.

survey on the US election: CNN looks at Biden the clear front – Trump-employees call for apology

stone of stumbling is a on Monday published a survey. The Institute of SSRS was interviewed in early June on behalf of CNN 1.259 Americans and had come to the conclusion that 55 percent of voters want to see the Challenger Joe Biden in the White house. For Trump, 41 percent of respondents. At the same time, the approval rate dropped to Trumps policy, to 38 percent.

The US President has not responded, however, with a fight announcement, or Silence – but left a letter of complaint to the Sender address. the campaign Manager Michael Glassner and legal Advisor Jenna Ellis stated therein, according to CNN, the survey had to be withdrawn, and it is necessary to its being a “complete, fair and visible withdrawal” and an apology and a “clarification for the misleading conclusions”.

U.S. presidential election of 2020: survey-Flop – Trump has a “FAKE”-feeling

It was a fake survey, which prevent voters from choosing and Momentum for Trump to stalling, justified the two Trump employees the claim. The Trump himself tweeted to be the case. He said he had brought in professional support – because he had given the “incredible enthusiasm” for his Person, the feeling, the results are FAKE to be “”.

the Trump of the analysis requested of the house of McLaughling & Associates Polling is available online. This throws the competition a “twisted survey” and a “deliberate strategy”. The reasoning is remarkable: Specifically had been provided to groups – short to the case, Floyd – around the Sunday question of the ratio of the population, instead of on-the-job situation. The survey was conducted before the recent “great economic news”.

Trump is attacking CNN because of election-poll: channel draws a Parallel to “Venezuela”

However, Trumps house channel Fox News had Biden with eight percentage points in Front – and the current findings on the Corona-infectious and unemployment figures in the United States is unlikely to fall in the category of “great”.

CNN responded in any case cooling: In a further letter CNN stated-Vice-President David Vigilante , to its knowledge, would not threaten the station for the first Time in its Existence, legal action, because “an American politician of the poll results from CNN like”. Typically, there have been such cases so far, only “from countries such as Venezuela and other regimes that have no or little respect for free and independent media”.

US elections: Biden fears, Trump was going to steal “the election” – “the military would escort him from the White house”

Quite suitable to the incident, Challenger Biden* believes, according to its own information is already not a fair behavior Trumps in the election in November . “This President is trying to steal the election,” said the Ex-Vice-President on Wednesday evening in “the Daily Show” on the station Comedy Central. “This is a guy who says that all absentee ballots are wrong.”

+ Joe Biden wants to replace in November, Donald Trump as the US President – with the output open.©AFP / JIM WATSON

On the question of whether he had considered that Trump could refuse to leave the White house in the case of a defeat, replied Biden: “Yes, I have.” He added that he was “absolutely convinced” that the military Trump would then escort. The spokeswoman for the White house s, Kayleigh McEnany , called Biden’s Comments a “conspiracy theory”. The channel Fox News said on Thursday, Trump is looking forward to the election.

Biden said he would address in the campaign every lie Trumps. “This guy is not a good guy.” He expect that Trump will attack him personally, “and things about me, my family, my children and everything says that the simply true”. He had weaknesses and will make mistakes. “But the point is, I take responsibility for the error.”


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©AFP / SAUL LOEB