Nearly 150,000 people in the United States now Covid-19 died. After the U.S. Federal government for a long time pursued a coherent strategy to contain the pandemic, because the man at the top, President Trump, the Corona-verharmloste Virus, and on measures of social distance made fun, with adventurous Hints on ineffective medications and light injections almost clownesque occurred, he turned a few days ago the rudder. About the experts

Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger holds the chair for International politics and foreign policy at the University of Cologne since 1999. His research interests are in international relations, and American and German foreign policy.

Now, the social distance should be good, protective masks, patriot and mutual respect is essential. The hope that the United States, the country that was an international hit hardest by the pandemic, find late to a unified containment strategy. The hope of the trough.

Trump returned to his previous statements, recommending the ingestion of the Antimalarial hydroxychloroquine, which he took himself, to protect himself. His own authorities warn. But via Twitter, shared on several occasions, the statement that the agent was successful. In addition, a vaccine was soon available. That is why he is pushing back more aggressively on the Opening up of the economy. In Spite Of The Corona. As Trump continues with a view to its desired re-election, other priorities.

Corona-under the directions is to campaign appearances

That politicians squint is constant with both eyes on their popularity values and behavior align to the values of the survey, usually. In this respect, Donald Trump, the stylized themselves as Anti-politicians is a very ordinary politician. That the concentration on public opinion increases before elections, is also normal. In the years between the elections, the consideration can be released once in fall. But not now. That is why Trump had converted to performances of the early briefings on the Corona-property location a stay of the Election campaign. Because of the great halls remained to him closed.

the long press appearances but he reached his audience. He joined, however, are often so heavy in big fat drums – the Dimension of the Fettnapfs is not enough and had given the expertise of its consultants, Anthony Fauci, and Deborah Birx so unaware that this Format has been discontinued. In New York, Governor Cuomo demonstrated how to do it right, and Trump in a rage. So much So that he mocked in public over his advisers.

The book of our experts, Thomas hunter (display): “the end of The American era: Germany and the new world order” on Amazon.

Alternative facts do not work

The Virus has not disappeared but with this format of Communication. On The Contrary. After the terrible and the victim weeks in New York, it broke in many other Federal States train and up to today have been infected 4.3 million U.S. citizens. The number of victims increased, and Trumps the note, without his early measures, it would not be in the millions, got caught.

The Entertainer, who managed to talk to every crisis, even an Impeachment, way, verbal violence and by making fun of other people, he failed at this challenge. Corona is unsuitable for alternative facts. That is why it advised its consultant, the national communication on the Corona-policy resume. That’s what he did. However, only short.

The turn of the turn

Because Trump has no Corona-strategy. Neither against the pandemic, and for the election challenge. How deep is this pandemic will have an effect in the public consciousness, shows the comparison with an event, the American policy paralyzed for a long time, and as a defeat into the collective memory has been burned. In the Vietnam war fell between 1961 and 1975, about 58,000 American soldiers. In the best year, 1968, there were 16.589.

war and pandemic, can not be equated. The victim can not be equal But Trump, the call to war President against the invisible enemy, Corona, and suffers in the middle of a painful defeat. However, he would have to put in, even if very late, a coherent strategy against the epidemic. He can’t, because he is not you and you would fall behind with his other crisis of the items in conflict. Therefore, there is in the Corona-policy after just a few days, the turning of the turning.

Three diversion

As for Trump are currently three topics are important. Firstly, the economic recovery, and, secondly, the escalation of the protests and, thirdly, the conflicts with China. The Corona, he fits in these situations of Conflict, instead he gives her a political priority over you.

economy: Trump wants to reduce unemployment

Now, the financial support for the U.S. citizens who are currently without work are to be reduced. You get so far, 600 US dollars per week – more than many of you in the Job to earn, so as a result, the poverty has been alleviated, but the incentive to take up work, is missing – so the amount should be reduced to 200 U.S. dollars or 70 percent of the salary. The law is currently being discussed in Congress.

For the President is important, that unemployment is falling. This would open up the possibility to recall the economic development of the pandemic, and a rapid rise of the American economy believe the promise of worthy, as he can currently.

protests: in The end voters for security will decide

Trump is sending Federal officials from the various Federal police and border protection agencies in a single, democratically governed States. Because that is where the protests against police violence and racism to keep. They escalated again, forcibly were played and fires were set, is also due to the aggressive action of the Federal officials.

the States are not able to Fight back, even if you give it a try. Because to protect Federal property (which there are in every major city), is the responsibility and right of the Federal government. And FBI officials are represented in every state, even if the police-the main work is led by local forces. With the “Operation Legend” is to support the Federal government, the local forces in the defense and investigation of crime. The governors fear, though, that the protests will escalate. Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP/Reuters Portland: Federal police fire tear gas at a group of protesters in a “Black Lives Matter”protest

Then, can be the Trump as a protector of American citizens against the demonstrators “anarchists” and “terrorists” who want to hijack the state and to withdraw against the claim of the police Budget. Joe Biden, as Trump says would meet these requirements. His democratic Competitor was, as he tweeted, the Trojan horse of the radical left Agenda. Almost 30 million dollars has been invested in the Trump campaign in a promotional clip, in which a call to the police goes into the Void. The calculation is: in the end choose to be voters for safety. In Trumps Twitter language: “LAW & ORDER”.

  • All of the information to the US campaign in the News-Ticker at FOCUS Online

China: Trump puts Biden into a bad light

And: Trump up the conflict with China. The Uighurs, not interested in him, according to the Metropol of Ex-security adviser John Bolton, according to, be declared a dispute in the relationship. Hong Kong unrest Trump had long ignored, is to the bilateral conflict. Two US aircraft carrier cruising in the Pacific. Territorial claims China denied. Huawei is pushed out of markets, not least the British. Chinese students are denied visas. A Consulate is closed. Susan Walsh/AP/Reuters Donald Trump and Xi Jinping, the President of the Trump, especially Joe Biden. He represents him as one who has promoted the rise of China. And the power of the interests of American workers versus the new world doesn’t represent. The pandemic used for the identification of China: here, everything could be contained, so Trump. His voters know who is on the devastating conditions in the U.S. really is to blame.

Can be caught in this unusual election available? Now that Joe Biden, with nearly 10 percent before the Trump is? Biden’s main problem is that two-thirds of those who say to want to vote for him, him only not to choose Trump. There is no Biden enthusiasm. The Trump kindled but still. His electorate want him and holds on to him. Biden voters, however, are not set in large numbers to the democratic candidate. Nothing has been decided yet. German diver disappears in Walmaul: “Nothing can prepare a” FOCUS Online Rainer Schimpf: German diver disappears in Walmaul: “Nothing can prepare you to it”