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Friday, 26. June, 8.00 PM: Donald Trump has played the again dramatic rise in the number of Coronavirus infections in the USA. “When we would test, we would have no cases,” said Trump in a Thursday evening (local time) broadcast an Interview of Fox News.

so Far, the USA have tested around 30 million people to the Virus. In no other country so much has been tested. Trumps evaluation, according to the high number of documented infections in the United States goes back to the fact.

The most renowned experts reject trump’s Declaration that the increase in infections is due mainly to an increase in the number of Tests. Above all, make the Trump-driven easing of Corona-restrictions in the Federal States are responsible.

According to the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, the USA have recorded around 35 000 new infections per day – nearly as many as during the peak of the crisis in April.

Then had decreased the number before you shot this month and again in the height. Meanwhile, about half of the U.S. States recorded an increase in the number of cases.

Trump advertises, nevertheless, for a rapid re-opening of the economy. He wants to return – also with a view to the election in November – as quickly as possible to normality. His opinion is that the Coronavirus is, to disappear gradually from the USA.

The data do not support. The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, announced on Thursday, the steps for the re-opening of the Federal state would be exposed to due to the dramatically rising case. Abbott belongs to, such as the Trump of the Republican party.

  • All of the new findings of the Coronavirus in the News-Ticker at FOCUS Online

the national guard for the protection of statues in Washington, D.C., used

Thursday, 25. June, 05.57 PM: The US government has around 400 soldiers of the national guard enhanced readiness to move to the monuments in Washington, in front of Anti-racism-to protect protesters. The Pentagon did so on Wednesday, according to its own information of a request of the Minister of the interior David Bernhardt. Bernhardt also ordered the construction of barriers in the areas near the White house. These places should be protected with “rigor”, he announced.

Should be sending the national guards to support the police in the protection of monuments, but only unarmed, said a Pentagon spokesman. The national guardsmen could help, numbers of people of certain areas to stay away, he said.

protesters had attacked in the past few days, several monuments in the capital. So they tried on Monday, with ropes, a Statue of former President Andrew Jackson to topple in front of the White house, which they succeeded in doing but. The police broke up the accumulation of several hundred protesters using batons and pepper spray.

Trump: Withdrawn troops from Germany will want to go to Poland

22.24 at: US President Donald Trump increase after the planned withdrawal of US soldiers from Germany, the U.S. troops in Poland. Trump founded the troop withdrawal at a news conference with the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda on Wednesday (local time) in the White house with the according to his view, a lack of defense spending in Germany. AP US President Donald Trump.

Duda said the U.S. President to decide where he kidney American soldiers statio. He asked Trump, but no US soldiers from Europe to be deducted. “The security of Europe is very important to me,” said Duda.

trump’s plans for the withdrawal of troops from Germany will encounter in the ranks of criticism. Many Republican members fear a weakening of the transatlantic relations and the deterrence to Russia.

United States want to impose new punitive tariffs against the EU and the UK

Wednesday, 24. June, 12.55 PM: The US is considering new tariffs against the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom. The government of President Donald Trump thinks about duties on Goods to a value of US $ 3.1 billion, according to a notice from the US trade representative by late Tuesday evening shows. Of goods from France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom were affected.

the New duties to be collected on olives, beer, Gin and trucks. In addition, higher customs duties for aircraft, cheese and yogurt to apply to. The measures should, however, not in front of the 26. July enter into force. The EU and the UK can respond to it.

The threat of the long-running dispute between the United States and Europe on prohibited subsidies to aircraft manufacturers Airbus and Boeing is apparently in connection with the year. The actions of the USA comes to a worst possible time. The recovery of the world economy of the Corona-crisis could be slowed down.

rampage in front of White house police to prevent statues-fall attempts by demonstrators

04.59 PM: protesters in the U.S. capital Washington will have to bring a Statue in a Park in the immediate vicinity of the White house case. The police foiled the action on Monday evening (local time) on the Lafayette Park and pushed back the protesters using tear gas, reported as several US media. Plenty of people were sitting on the curb and your irritated eyes with water washed.

The Monument represents the seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson on a horse. Under him the “Indian Removal Act” to the displacement and resettlement of indigenous people from areas in the South of the country was adopted.

U.S. President Donald Trump condemned in a Tweet the “vicious vandalism” at the “gorgeous Statue”. A number of people had been detained, wrote Trump, and added that ten years in jail.

“gift for the Kremlin”: a Former US General criticized a possible withdrawal of troops from Germany

04.44 PM: , The former commander of US forces in Europe, Ben Hodges, troops, the possible reduction of the US in Germany as a “gift to the Kremlin,” and domestic political maneuvers of the US presidential election in early November called. Although Russia had not changed his behavior, wishes to withdraw, the US government, under President Donald Trump welfare of soldiers, said retired three-star General of the German press Agency.

dpa/Ingo Wagner of The top failed in-chief of the U.S. armed forces in Europe, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges (archive picture).

“is Obviously the thought is not the result of a strategic analysis, but one hundred percent a political calculation, intended, probably, to some American voters,” the 62-Year-old, who was from 2014 to 2017, the commander of U.S. land forces in Europe. A reduction would be a weakening of the United States and the entire Nato.

Hodges warned Germany against exaggerated hopes for a possible change in the White house after the U.S. presidential election on may 3. November. “Germany’s strategic Thinking should not be designed, who is US President”, said the current expert of the Washington-based think-tank Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). Also, under a different US President, the new Administration and the people in the USA would expect Germany to meet its obligations.

After the rally: For employees of trump’s campaign team with Corona

Tuesday, 23 infected. June, 0.35 PM: After the rally, US President, Donald Trump in the US state of Oklahoma on the weekend, two more people from his campaign team have been tested positive for the Coronavirus. The two had been part of the election campaign event in Tulsa on Saturday (local time), but the whole time, breathing protection masks worn, said communications Director Tim Murtaugh on Monday (local time) on request. The Affected would have to in quarantine, also, would be traced back to their contacts, it said. On Saturday, six of the employees had already been a positive effect on the pathogen of Sars-CoV-2 tested. They had not participated in the event.

Trump had drawn criticism, an Event with Thousands of people in a closed hall in the middle of the ongoing pandemic to hold. In the run-up, he said that almost a Million people had applied for Tickets in the event of some 19,200 people-making Arena. In fact, thousands of seats remained empty.

  • read all the findings on the incidents of the death of George Floyd in the News-Ticker at FOCUS Online.
  • for More information on U.S. policy, read on the next page.

workers from the slaughterhouse in the ZDF: “men have become sick and fallen down” FOCUS Online/Wochit workers from the slaughterhouse in the ZDF: “men have become ill and fell down”

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