Jean-Luc Moudenc does not take the gloves in the perspective of the second round of the municipal election. The outgoing mayor LR, supported by LREM, and who has obtained 36 % of the vote in the first round, has accused Wednesday the list Archipelago citizen (EELV-BIA), his opponent in the second round of municipal elections, ahead, ” hidden “, hidden “dark forces” and of the ” professionals of disorder and disobedience.”

” My belief is that we are a majority of inhabitants of Toulouse to refuse to give the keys of the Capitol to an assembly anarchic including professionals of disorder and disobedience to the laws of the Republic “, he stated during a press conference. “The opponent moves hidden. (…) But behind a window friendly cloak of the dark forces, the red Vests of the Saturday, the mélenchonistes, the ultraleft. I say : down with the masks ! ” insisted the outgoing mayor. Recognizing that a part of his voters, older than those of his opponents, had been able to turn away from the polls during the 1st round because of the epidemic of Covid-19, he urged the voters to be “the appointment” because ” nothing is yet won in this election.”

also Read Municipal : 11 cities under voltage

The “battle for employment”

These declarations come in the wake of the announcement by the candidate ecologist Antoine Maurice of rallying to Archipelago, a citizen of the list socialist finish in 3rd position in the 1st round. “A union, wobbly, imperfect, and sincere (…), where the most mild, all shame drunk, have put their belief in their pocket for a dish of lentils,” said Jean-Luc Moudenc. It was a reference to the candidate socialist Nadia Pellefigue (18.5% in march), recalling that it was defending the same economic vision as him during his campaign, notably concerning the need to continue the project of the 3rd subway line and the HSL.

” ‘re not breaking down the springs on the success of Toulouse such as the want the extreme left of Archipelago and its followers of the decay. The decay, while the jobs are threatened, it is a suicide, “said Jean-Luc Moudenc, making himself the champion of the” battle for employment “, particularly in the aeronautics industry. The toulouse metropolitan area hosts the world headquarters of Airbus. Emphasizing also the need to strengthen the security in Toulouse ” in this period, if uncertain and threatening “, he asked himself in “captain fearless at the head of the ship” in the face of a ” mexican army subject to the orders of the parties “.

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Moudenc favorite in Toulouse in front of “watermelons” Municipal in Toulouse : Nadia Pellefigue more green than the Green Municipal : the four lessons of election history Coronavirus : when the mayors make up for the failures of the State Coronavirus : and the mayors took things in hand…