The “daily news” reported that three Chinese bloggers, the one that disappeared after they reported on the conditions in the country, under mysterious circumstances.

The Chinese entrepreneur and Video Blogger catch Am posted at the beginning of February dramatic images from the Outbreak of the Corona pandemic, Wuhan. They showed body bags in front of the entrance of the hospital and weeping relatives over the lifeless body bent.

“health is a state of emergency that affects the whole world,”

According to Fang Bin he want with these recordings, the States on-the-spot document. The “daily show” said he: “The news that we get to capture the real Situation in China. The lung disease in Wuhan, a health emergency that affects the whole world. The disease spreads, many countries are affected. Therefore, it is good for all, if I about the Situation on the ground reports.”

One evening later published to be the last Video. It shows men in protective suits, allegedly from the health Department, which penetrate into the apartment of the blogger and him to the police station. He is accused of having a will to be from abroad, a paid enemy of the state. Since then, he has disappeared.

Allegedly in quarantine

Also, the human rights lawyer Chen Qiushi reported from the city. Prior to that, he had already drawn the wrath of the government, as he documented the pro-democratic protests in Hong Kong. He has also been seen since February. Officially, he from the police in quarantine sent to have been.

A third-party Blogger, Li Zehua, also disappeared shortly after his report on the conditions in Wuhan. Two months later, a Video of him on YouTube showed up, however, in which he tells that he had been sent to the quarantine. Since this Video, and also from Zehua nothing more.

fourth-last place in the current freedom of the press

In the list of countries of the organization reporters without borders, which campaigns for press freedom around the world, China ranks at the very bottom, ranked 177 out of 180. More than a hundred journalists and bloggers are according to these data, in China.

“reporters without borders” and the human rights organization Human Rights Watch criticize that China have contributed to this behavior significantly to the global pandemic. The information dissemination would not have been prevented entirely, would have been able to recognize the Public much faster, the Severity of the infection and act accordingly.

regime-critical Journalist in China was sentenced to 15 years in prison

at the beginning of may, the case of the journalists, Chen made Jieren for headlines. The well-known Chinese Journalist was sentenced to a high prison sentence of 15 years. The once-influential Blogger and critic of the Communist system were put illegal transactions, public disturbance, extortion and bribery as that of the people’s court announced in the city of Guiyang in the province of Hunan. He had known in the process guilty, and a mild judgment asked.

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