What lasts long, is known to be good. What lasts for a particularly long time, then also particularly well? This field trial has just begun in Germany. The characters are pretty good. The Corona-Warning-App is now – finally, finally you might say – in the App Stores available. The Chancellery Minister has laid out today the bar for the Warning, the App is already very high. “It is not the first, but I’m pretty convinced it’s the best,” said Helge Braun (CDU) at the presentation.

the future of the economy is on the game

Now the fight against the pandemic, is included also in this country is digital. The Chance to prevent a second wave of Infection in Germany, with the App much larger. And you increases with every of people that loads you down and in order to contribute. To practising health and a lived solidarity. Germany has been quite good by the Corona-crisis. Now is this success to continue.

All of the important messages to the Corona-crisis in the Ticker

in the end It is not a mobile Gimmick and a nice technical Tool, but the lives of many people. And: It is – it is becoming clearer day by day – the future of a now quite battered economy.

farewell to “Federal Republic of analogies”

The App warns people when they may have been exposed to an Infected contact. Rapid access to testing and faster information about the test results of promise a gain in time of up to four days. The previous System in Germany was a real disgrace for the Infected, possibly Infected, and for the staff of the health offices. It was tedious, inefficient and incredibly slow.

Germany – now also digital. At last so it begins, this important Chapter in farewell to the “Federal Republic of analogies”.

more value on privacy at the Corona App due to the decentralised approach

The Federal government and your Partner so at least it looks so far – the additional time you needed to develop your App, to good use. The decision for the decentralized approach, in the case of the Smartphones, only a generated key exchange, it promises an added value of data protection. The Code is changing so often that there is no movement profiles can be created. Because privacy is not just something for fussy geeks, but the privacy of each Individual. A government which takes seriously, strengthen trust in the state. In times of crisis, is more important than ever.

live Today: Everything you need to know for the Corona-Warning-App

The new Corona-Warning-App is intended to help Germany in the fight against the pandemic. In a Live broadcast from FOCUS Online and Chip experts answer tonight, your questions about the App:

  • Tankred Schipanski, digital policy spokesman of the Union faction in the Bundestag
  • Linus Neumann, Chaos Computer Club
  • Hauke Mormann, Verbraucherzentrale NRW

Today, on Tuesday evening, 18 clock, on our Websites and the Youtube channels of FOCUS Online and Chip, as well as on the Facebook channels of FOCUS Online and Chip.

Here, the Federal government is in the word. This is also true for the case that resist to be launched to Expect of Attempts – for example by employers or Restaurant owners – to explain the App’s own powerful to the duty.

see also: Corona-App of the Download: The you need to about the Covid-19-Tracing knowledge

In the case of Demos, in the Bus or the train

It has been said again and again: This App is not a panacea. Of course not. Keep your distance, wear a Mask, to Comply with the hygiene rules are not a thing of the past. The App is a very important Instrument. In times, where every day there are more and more people have anonymous contact with other people – whether in the case of Demos, in the Bus or the train – it is always valuable. Specifically: Erika Meyer knows when she has drunk with Henry Miller beer. If Erika Meyer has taken on the Bus next to a not well-known Henry Müller place, you know, maybe never, if you caught of him the Virus. Exactly, but since the App helps. In particular, they will not come to know the Lord also. Because the App works anonymously. It achieves a precision, which was estimated at 80 percent.

The App has a flaw

In a project of this magnitude, it is normal that in the first days of minor issues to adjust. The makers understand the offer as also explicitly as a “learning System”. The German App has a major shortcoming, which is to Start known: it is not yet compatible with other European Offerings. Would have sought to that would be, however, a good few months gone. The price would have been too high.

With four Ministers, one state Minister, the President of the Robert Koch Institute as well as the tips of the SAP and Telekom, it announced today at the launch of the App, the big train station in Berlin. All Participants were to Start a large self-confidence. You are clearly willing to let the expectations measure.

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