For the third Time since the beginning of may the Chinese border (Line of Actual Control, LAC), it came to controversial sections of the Indian to solid physical clashes between soldiers from both sides. In addition to the fists, stones and iron rods were used. Unlike the incidents at the beginning of may, in which there were “only” injured, have now been reported Dead on the Indian side. In the case of the collision in the Galwan valley in the Western sector of the border on Monday, three soldiers were, according to a statement by the Indian army. High-level envoys from both sides investigated currently, the incident on the spot, in order to achieve a relaxation of the situation, it said.


The first of the recent three collisions was on 5. May at the Pangong-Tso lake in the Ladakh Region, the second on 9. May, about 1200 kilometres to the East of the Nathu-La Pass in the Indian state of Sikkim. After the incident on Monday were initially expressed only from the Chinese side of blame. India had violated the (bilateral) “consensus, serious and twice the limit line is exceeded, as well as the Chinese armed forces provoked and attacked.”

Also in may, Beijing, India had been accused of border violations. India, in turn, China accused that it wants to prevent normal patrols of the Indian soldiers. Both sides tried to downplay the incident reinforced their troops and brought in additional heavy equipment to the affected areas.

road construction and combat aircraft

According to experts, could be the result of increasing tensions on the border, on the Expansion of border infrastructure by India. Since about ten years, India is increasing building roads and runways in the remote Himalayan regions in the vicinity of the LAC.

China feel, in particular, through the construction of a road on between the two sides of the disputed Pangong-Tso lake in the Ladakh Region of provoked. The project improves access to a runway, the highest in the world, in the Indian Galwan valley. India wants to move with the modern road network, the China on its side of the border years ago already built. “The Chinese don’t like the infrastructure that is being built by India on its side of the border, although they have done the same thing on their side,” says Srikanth Kondapalli, Professor of Chinese studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, in front of the DW. “In the end, you say: We must improve our infrastructure, but your not.”

Dean Cheng of the American “Heritage Foundation” confirmed that the Indian infrastructure projects in the Ladakh Region, the Chinese would have let suspicious. “This is part of the problem. China sees itself always in the Position of the wronged.” Conversely, China’s military activities in the border region had led to the Indian side Fears. “The people’s liberation army of flies from time to time, with their combat aircraft on the plateau of Qinghai, which is a pretty provocative behavior. Beijing is not controlled to just its air space, but sends the Signal to the world: These are battle-ready armed planes.”

Long-simmering conflict

The Chinese Position, Long Xingchun presented of the foreign language University of Beijing in may, the party of the middle sheet “Global Times”: “India has built in the past few days on Chinese territory in the Region of the Galwan valley, illegal defenses. Thus, India had the Chinese border troops have no choice but to respond with the necessary steps, thus increasing the risk of escalation and further confrontations between the two sides.”

The current clashes on the Indo-Chinese border, the most serious since 2017. At that time several hundred soldiers from both sides faced each other 73 days on the high level of Doklam, which is between the Indian allies, Bhutan and China are controversial. The occasion of road works of the Chinese, who had alerted India were at that time. The conflict was eventually submit, through diplomatic channels, beige.

low-Threshold military conflicts are not Unusual in the 3500-kilometre-long Indo-Chinese border, which is largely determined controversial and non-binding under international law. In 1962, both sides fought a short war in the disputed territories in the West and East of the border, which claimed about 2000 lives.

China has claimed in the Eastern border area of about 90,000 square kilometers, about the area of Portugal, the section continues, in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. The area is in China, also informally as “South Tibet” is known. In the Western border section, India claimed, in turn, around 38,000 square kilometers of the plateau of Aksai Chin in the Ladakh Region.

rivalry of the heavyweights

more than a dozen bilateral round of talks has yet to be convergence in the border dispute can be achieved. Since the 70s, however, there were no firefights in this conflict. On the other hand, the exchange has increased mutual distrust, not least because of the intense geopolitical rivalry between the two countries with a billion populations. The prominent Status that the Dalai Lama and his exile to enjoy government in India, and the close relations of China, India’s arch rival Pakistan in the last several years, strengthened by the Xi Jinpings Belt and Road project, are all important factors.

connoisseurs of the Region believe that the state’s reorganization of the Indian part of the Kashmir Region contributed by the modi government to the recent tensions. Derek Grossman, of the think-tank Rand Corporation, told DW: “The unilateral Change of the Status of Jammu and Kashmir by modi in 2019 and was registered in Beijing with a surprise. It seems that China tries to defend within this changing environment along the ‘Line of Actual Control’ of its territorial claims.”

“image for the Chinese people”

Jayadeva Ranade, head of the “centre for China Analysis and Strategy” in New Delhi, by way of contrast, domestic political reasons for China’s behaviour. According to his assessment, President Xi Jinping is “currently under heavy pressure because of his mistake at the outbreak of the Corona Virus and the measures to mitigate them.” In addition, China will goals the two of Xi Jinping proclaimed a Century, “sight does not reach,” says Ranade.

This means on the one hand, China to 2021, the 100. Year of establishment of KCH, to make a country with moderate prosperity. The other goal relates to 2049 when the people’s Republic celebrates its centenary. Until then, China will power the global large-scale and modern socialist industrial state to be ascended. The Chinese leadership see, therefore, forced your Image at the popular Supplement. For this, they have resorted to be aware of the means of Aggression against India, the analysis of India’s China experts.

author: Srinivas Mazumdaru

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