This is a controversial measure that has been adopted by the Parliament. A bill LREM providing “security measures” for those sentenced for terrorism coming out of jail has been validated by a final vote by show of hands at the national Assembly on Monday. The law, however, must still receive the approval of the constitutional Council, seized by the president of the lower house Richard Ferrand. The latter wants to check the “conciliation” between “the prevention of harm to the public order” and respect for ” freedoms constitutionally guarantees “, according to a press release.

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Deputies and senators had agreed last week on a compromise version, a “ridge line” after its author, the Walker Yael Braun-Pivet. Ensuring not to have been taken ” suddenly a blinding madness liberticide “, the minister of Justice and ex-lawyer Eric Dupond-Moretti has given its support to this “solution” equilibrium.

stringent Measures

The judicial authority may impose for five or ten years for people convicted of terrorism offences, at the end of their sentence, the obligation to respond to the convocations of the sentencing judge, to establish his residence in a determined place, of prohibitions to enter into a relationship and seem in some places, and still be under the obligation of pointing so that, subject to the agreement of the person, the wearing of an electronic bracelet.

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These measures are limited to persons sentenced to penalties in excess of five years of imprisonment. The deputies LREM, LR, IDU, and Act voted for it, while the elect are MoDem are shared and the socialist majority abstained. The groups BIA, CPF and Freedoms and territories have spoken out against what they see as an “overvalued security” and some provisions are ” more punitive than preventive “. Senators from the left could also enter the wise men.

“The threat is proven to be”

“The threat is proven to be” : some 150 persons convicted for acts of terrorism will be out of jail in the next three years, and “some of them are still dangerous,” explained Yael Braun-Pivet, president of the Law commission. It is a matter of ” filling a hole in the racket of our law “, according to the other author of the bill, Raphaël Gauvain. These people have often been convicted in early 2010, before the penalties for terrorism will be cured in 2016 in the wake of the wave of attacks on the French soil.

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The deputies LR and IDU have noted that the measures don’t go any further and do not apply to “inmates of a common law radicalized” in their release from detention. The national Council of bars (CNB), which represents the 70,000 lawyers in France, was high at the beginning of June against the ” sentence after sentence “, citing a text which calls into question the guarantees of the rule of law. Very critical also, the national consultative Commission on human rights (CNCDH) had called “to stick to the traditional techniques of the information “and to” work for (the) reintegration, the only way of guaranteeing true prevention of the recurrence “.