Corona, was there what? While Germany gropes back to life, Parks, roads, Local and sports fields to fill in again, wrestling the interpreter of the things of the truth.

was So epochal, and it is the incision that also the spectrum of its Interpretation, it is conceivable large. It ranges from spinners, to understand the Corona as the invention of the Powerful to keep the people small, to leisure-virologists, the Covid-19 so, there were those that remained at the loved one for a lifetime in his spell, finally safe, finally far away from the hostile outside world, finally society remain valuable alone at home. In between, there are very a lot of Searching and Wrong, but also, and this is crucial, very much Clever, Meaningful, and Constructive.

The most comprehensive offer for the Corona-crisis in the German-speaking countries

FOCUS Online want to look to the future to the question of how each Individual and our society can cope with the current challenges in the best way possible. Under the umbrella of a common corporate parent Burda forward FOCUS Online, CHIP, Finance 100 and netmoms have done together. In a content-Alliance, we have composed the most comprehensive offer for the Corona-crisis in the German-speaking countries.

The users of FOCUS Online find the new area here, as well as the Banner on our Homepage.

following in our Apps, we have also rolled out the Corona area as an Update for iOS and Android. A piece of this Update to all the Smartphones and Tablets will be available. You get an icon in the bottom Navigation on the Corona-Portal.


Know what’s important

The common Corona’s appearance under the Motto “Know what is important”. It offers the users a high-quality, free and comprehensive basic supply with News and Service content. We select for you the Best from the News-power of the involved portals, in order to give Overview and orientation.

Fast and reliable news and your arrangement you receive from FOCUS Online. What you need to know as a customer in this new time, explains Germany’s largest consumer portal CHIP. The stock market portal Finanzen100 is defined at eye-level with the User in the midst of great economic turmoil, the most important money questions for you. The family portal netmoms completes our offer with content to a successful from life with the Loved ones. Partnerships and a good family life and give the support to cope emotionally strengthened for the challenges ahead.

Germany – Your chances of getting Together more

think Also the editorial under the title “Germany – Your chances have created” a place where the future is thought. After a long period of great unity and discipline we need now is a battle of ideas, in the sense of the people get out of this crisis.

This time of uncertainty, loss and loneliness brings, and it also creates wonderful opportunities for the individual and the society. FOCUS Online and its Partner-brands have to believe that our country with fresh ideas and a real boost to innovation gaining strength will emerge from the crisis. What began in the context of #corona care with the networking of individual people as a self-help-action that has developed within weeks to a project that can help our country to overcome the crisis

In the common Corona-Portal FOCUS Online, CHIP, Finance 100 and netmoms you will find in Each of these categories:

  • Live: , Here you can find all of the Live Streams on the topic, minutes Feeds latest News about the development of the pandemic, the economic Situation, the restart of the Bundesliga, as well as the the latest Statements made by our politicians in the Live. We also provide you with the current statistics for Virus.
  • assistance: As an App User, you have been able to offer access to the nationwide #corona care card, in the, you can find assistance services in your area or even organizations help their employees. Who uses our offer outside of the App, find the map here.
  • Chip 365: On this page, we pool all the tips and information that you need in everyday life, both professionally and privately. Here you can learn which Tools will help you in the Home Office and your children Learn, and what to make of the new Corona Apps.
  • opportunities: In this historic crisis, Germany has the Chance to change a historical Dimension to initiate. How should our society look like, socially, technically, economically? On this page, makers and thinkers look to the future.
  • money : The Corona-pandemic threatened the very existence of self-employed workers, forcing employees to short-time working, hitting savers and investors. Experts here, what is the meaning of the developments for pensions, taxes and interest rates explain to you. They will give you tips on how to make your money now can create and what you need to consider now for tax purposes.
  • health: Here, experts sort the flood of information about the Virus and filter out for you, what you need to know: the latest findings on the symptoms of Covid-19, the course of the pandemic, the development of Tests, drugs and vaccines.
  • family: On this page you can read how to do it in the day-care centres and schools, and how others deal with the difficult Situation. Experts explain how the extreme situation, the impact on relationships of love and families. Also you can find Corona information specifically for Pregnant women and children.
  • #corona care: On this page have already linked tens of thousands of people who seek help or need help. The editorial team presents here, big and small heroes of the crisis and shows what ideas you now can help.