The offices will present themselves in the future. This trend has already been used significantly in front of Corona, but it is accelerating now – like so much–.

The last few weeks have surprised us. The cooperation in the Team work virtually completely passable and the coordination with external partners or customers out of service trips. Without a doubt, we will receive according to Corona, travel, customers and, of course, return to the office. But the scale will be different than before. It is clear that We are less often in our offices. And, therefore, will also change the design of the rooms. About the author

Marco Graf Agency Brands and Emotions is currently available for the communication. Prior to that, he worked for the car manufacturer Audi and the HypoVereinsbank. As a Systemic consultant and Coach, he continues to consult privately for companies in the areas of culture and team development. His customers, he gives, as it relates to the new requirements of the world of work can set. More about the author learn more here:

“content of work” at home “relationship work” in the Office

The time we work at home, we are going to use for “contents of work”. We will build the presentation or the concepts of files and contracts überabreiten. We are stepping in to do the work, for you needed rest. We’ll take care of the “What”.

The time in which we are working in the office, we will be using for the “relationship work”. The pack must come again together. We will discuss then in the Team, the individual elements developed by merging and adapting the objectives to discuss. We will focus on the “How”.

offices have become the new division of labour, to adjust

this new division of labor needs, must adapt to the offices. And finally, we, the workers. Because the requirement for a redesign of the office environment is that we separate ourselves from our sanctuary, your own Desk,. If I’m not in the office every day, then I needed no fixed place of work. My personal items, the Laptop and other work materials I have in a locker or roll container. These I spaces in the morning and build my work. The column “New Work”

How does our work world in the future? What jobs will there be and how will we work together? What is the working time and salary models to influence our everyday lives in the future?

These exciting questions is devoted to FOCUS Online columnist Marco Graf in his weekly column. The systemic consultant is familiar with the challenges and opportunities of the “New Work” and take a look into our future.

The holiday picture hanging with me in the Mat, which has so far graced my Desk, so every Morning and evening, respectively. Folder with documents do I need, anyway no more, because time is in effect equal to a paperless Working and digital document storage.

  • small office with three or four jobs are resolved and the Team for group work converted.
  • The Desk of the canyons in the office will be eased. There’s work to be created in the Islands for three or four people. Individual jobs continue to exist, just much less.
  • It’s quiet and the phone zones are created in which you also work in the office in a concentrated and undisturbed phone calls can be.
  • The small coffee kitchen – without the light of day and the size of a swimming pool changing room will be replaced by a large meeting area. There you can get the personal loyalty to colleagues, upright that you see now much less often.
  • is held There free of charge water, tea, coffee and fruit ready. In some places there already. As well as complimentary Breakfast. And small companies, which do not have canteens, hire a chef, the lunch two different days dishes prepared and all together can eat.
  • And I assume that the company will be, no matter what size – enhanced offerings that allow mothers and fathers, their children to work to bring.

The transition to flexible jobs new design opens up the possibilities for our office space. The Seating order will change every day and I learn colleagues, with which I had been doing a little better. I get insights into their work and, thus, an Overview of the variety of topics at our Department. The company requires less office space and saves rent. Part of the money can then be used for the upgrading of the offices and additional Services used. We are in the future, so less often in the office, but all the more dear.

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