The National Audience has decreed this Friday granted bail to two of the members of the Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR) accused of terrorism who were still incarcerated preventively, Jordi Ros and Germ Tomàs. According to have informed sources of the defense, the investigating judge Manuel Garcia-Castellon has imposed on him at the first a deposit of € 30,000, and € 15,000 to the second. “But we demand the file of the case against the nine accused,” added the lawyers collective that represents, Alert Solidarity, which has a common bank account to raise money to leave as a guarantee.

Ros and Tomàs, 45 and 39 years when they were arrested, were part of the alleged “core producer” of the Equipment of Tactical Response (ERT), the more combative of the CDR, according to the researchers. In fact, the instruction given to both a prominent role in the plot. To Ros, for example, is attributed to the purchase of chemicals considered precursors of explosives and material for treatment; they found notes which said “logic bomb”; and rode at their home in one of the “laboratories” for testing. Tomàs, for its part, was involved in the handling of chemical substances.

the decision of judge García-Castellón, that has driven the research, is adopted after the Second Section of the Criminal division of cuestionase that investigated integration of a terrorist group. Although the court saw “sufficient evidence” on the facts investigated, stated that he was unable “to issue a definitive judgment sufficiently founded on nature or the non-terrorist of the facts” —especially, when you consider that there is a “pre-organization” that has been declared as such “judicially”—. A valuation that is now responding to the judge instructor: “The absence of a prior terrorist organization so declared by judicial authority does not prevent that the facts brought out by the members of the organization can be considered terrorism”.


The popular accusation against the CDR points to Torra Terrorism: the doubt that emerges in the cause to the CDR

“The terrorist nature of the organisation with which we deal is in line with the latest trends in legislation and case law that have addressed the issue of the emergence and proliferation of terrorist groups, immersed, as it happens, recently in the violent islamism, which support the horizontal structures at the expense of the vertical”, continues García-Castellón on the two cars where it declares the bail of Ros and Tomàs, which was opposed by the Prosecution.

The judge devotes much of its two briefs, dated this January 10, to justify the framing of their research on the conception of terrorism as defined by the current legislation and case law. And affects that the statement “has revealed that the CDR are an organization with a cast of clearly defined functions, which keep a structure stable and permanent in time, whose individuals would be co-ordinated with the purpose of committing crimes, running as well as a real criminal organization”. In addition, within the CDR would be small groups “radicals”, “willing to carry out the actions more severe, which would have a great impact in the media”. “Achieving greater visibility in the midst of sectional conflict, with the ultimate objective being the realization of the separation of Catalonia from the rest of Spain”.

In this sense, García-Castellón, recalls that the detainees acquired substances that “could be used as precursors to explosives” — as the termite— and “had already begun its manufacture. “In parallel, we recovered several hand-written annotations with instructions for the manufacture of other explosives, such as cloratita-and-Rubber-2”, stresses the judge, who explains that these substances “were designed to be used on any of the action side of his plan,” that passed through the occupation of the Parliament during a week. “Consist evidence [that aimed to] place artifacts in railway facilities, power grid and barracks of the Guardia Civil”, he adds.

Despite this, the magistrate agrees to let them both in bail considering that his roots staff reduces the risk of leakage. Yes, it takes more precautionary measures, such as withdrawal of the passport and forcing them to appear weekly before the court. In this way, when Ros and Tomàs deposit the money, will have been already released seven CDR’s that were imprisoned provisionally in September 2019, when activated, Operation Judas.