the Schleswig-Holstein Minister of education, Karin Prien (CDU), has teachers and students on the possible consequences of travelling in Corona-mentioned risk areas. In the case of teachers, the commencement of returning from such a prior trip as risk-classified regions in a prescribed 14-day quarantine would have to, and at the end of the school year, starting on 10. August were missing, and that this will be considered as unexcused absences, said Prien of the German press Agency. “In the Wake of salary withhold or are not paid the remuneration .” Furthermore, this could be penalised by disciplinary regulations. For tariff a warning could be Employed as a result.

– Displaced students “intentionally or negligently, in a situation in which they their compulsory education, are not descendants can commit, you are hereby under certain circumstances, a misdemeanor , which can be punished with a fine,” said Prien. It was a with the guardian spent the holidays, will probably get more on the parents, an administrative offence proceeding. The students will charged with unexcused Absence in the class.

fines of up to 10,000 Euro threaten

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has a worldwide classified more than 100 countries as a risk. Currently, among others, Albania, Egypt, Israel, Turkey and South Africa belong to it. For people who come from such areas, apply a 14-day mandatory Quarantine – if you are not able to not provide a negative Corona Test that is older than 48 hours. You also need to your health Department report.

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it must count, according to the Ministry of social Affairs with a fine. “So under the constant secretion in the own homes or other suitable accommodation is A leave or return from a risk area can be occupied by up to 10,000 Euro fine,” said a spokesman.

No Corona-series tests in Schleswig-Holstein planned

unlike Bavaria, Schleswig-Holstein is planning after the summer holidays, according to Prien so far, no Corona series of tests in the schools. It would, however, be tested and Employed at selected locations, such as Kiel, Lübeck and the County of Segeberg. “The initial feedback from the circle Segeberg show: more than 500 Tests only one was positive,” said Prien. And also in the context of a study in Lübeck, in so far 4,000 people tested had been, “could be detected, not a single positive case”.

The Key is for Prien: “The people who are working in schools, receive about our Test strategy, a simple and direct access to Corona Tests. Periodically, we assess the Test strategy and have the ability to.” And who have the slightest symptoms, or fear, should contact their GP and get a Test advice.

Prien: holiday is the responsibility of each Individual

Basically, holiday returnees are not a Problem, said Prien. “Every teacher and every student should take advantage of the holiday to have a rest.” In the Corona of a pandemic, however, is how you do vacation, and the country in which the holiday travel guide to. It is the responsibility of each Individual. “I would like to appeal to teachers and students to be aware of this responsibility for the health of all schools to Make aware.” Here, too, the “AHA-rule is, to keep”: the distance, Hygiene, daily mask to wear. “But it is also true: We live in a free country and not in a monitoring state.” dpa/Monika Skolimowska/eg/dpabild Karin Prien (CDU) is looking for a portrait in the camera.

Mandatory Corona-Tests for teachers and students returning from high-risk areas, rejects the Minister: “I advise teachers return from the holidays and are unsure, go to your doctor and have yourself tested. Unique area-wide tests, however, have only a limited predictive value and are a waste of valuable resources.”

“Should speak to the use of Tests, especially in the case of leave returnees in a liberal”

The Minister of health of the Federation and the länder want to on Wednesday in a Turn is also targeted testing for people returning from high-risk areas. The results of the conference will be discussed within the state government, said Prien. “Desirable to have the same offers and financing for all States would be.” Testing capabilities are a valuable resource, with the responsibility deal should be. “So we get through the new school year, we should procedures but in the use of Tests, especially in the case of holiday returnees generous.” This applies not only for teachers, but for all occupational groups. “Self-blame”: German tourists expect debt with the ball on the man-hosts from FOCUS Online “Self”: German tourists expect the ball to man-of hosts from
