The president of Congress has reported Tuesday to the parliamentary groups in their anticipation of the convening of the Plenary session of the Congress to celebrate the debate of investiture of Pedro Sanchez Saturday, January 4, Sunday 5 and if you do not get the absolute majority, the Tuesday day 7.


The covenant with accent in social and PSOE we Can give a rush to the confirmation of The covenant PSOE-ERC includes a consultation on the agreements between Generalitat and State The agreement of the PSOE-United we Can for a coalition Government, in full In English: Peter Sánchez’s investiture debate to take place on January 4, 5 and 7

The formal convening of the session (with the time) will be held on day 2, according to sources from the Camera. In this way, the debate will begin with the speech of the candidate Pedro Sánchez, which will outline his government program. After the intervention of the chairman-in-office will arrive the turn of the leaders of the other political forces, which will have 30 minutes to present their reasons to the yes, no or abstention. Sánchez will then be able to replicate if you want.

day 5, and once they have intervened all the parliamentary groups will be a vote —by appeal and raised voice— in which to be elected the candidate Sanchez will need to obtain 176 votes in favour. In the case, more than likely, you are not able to that figure the session will be suspended. After 48 hours, the deputies will return to the Congress. Again Sanchez will be directed to them, this time for a limited time of 10 minutes, and the representatives of the rest of forces will have five to answer. Then, we will vote again. Sanchez will be re-elected if he achieves a simple majority. The socialist now has 161 votes, but needs for its endowment, the abstention of the 13 deputies of CKD, day 2 has convened its national council to decide definitely if it refrains. Until now the bases republican have been given a vote of confidence to the steps of the address with which the possibility of positioning the contrary are reduced.

The forecast socialist was to start the debate on the 2nd of January, but the decision of the independents to bring your meeting to the same day, has delayed the plans. It did not seem appropriate that Sanchez intervened in the plenary session of the Congress without knowing the decision of the party of Junqueras. Both the socialist leadership as the CKD take for granted the abstention of these recent but the president has decided to respect the times that have marked the direction of Esquerra.

The PSOE calls Friday to their executive

The federal executive of the PSOE has been convened on Tuesday for the 3rd of January at 10 in the morning, a day after a meeting of the Council National of CKD. For then, the highest organ of the republicans should have approved the abstention in the endowment of the 13 deputies of Esquerra in the Congress, the key fact for Peter Sanchez is sworn in as president.

the agenda of The plenary of the federal leadership of the PSOE, composed of fifty members, has a unique point in the order of the day: “Agreement of investment”. The socialist leadership must approve the agreements with the partners necessary for the endowment to come forward. The agreement also programmatic with United we Can for the future Government coalition. The federal committee, the highest body between congresses, will not be held until mid-January as a minimum.