The normal state of the political atmosphere is the turbulence; especially that of the Spanish policy, converted from a long time ago in a kitchen that gives off an unbearable heat. After several months of maddening lockout, the situation gave this Monday a rush toward the endowment, only the slope of the abstention of CKD, converted into a kind of moving target. Even so, the horizon clears. The State bar had finally submitted an opinion in which you ask for is permitted to Oriol Junqueras exercise as mep while not suspending his immunity, in line with what was expected in the ranks of independence.

The PSOE and the PNV, presented an agreement that allows the development status in the Basque Country and even offers transfers to Navarra: message cabled to Esquerra. Even Bildu is unchecked republican and announced that he will defend to the bases that should be refrain: new hook to the chin Left. But they were the own PSOE and United we Can (UP) those who pressed the accelerator pedal with the agreement of coalition of progressive, half a hundred pages that will mark the future of the legislature. This program includes tax hikes to higher-income and to repeal a good part of the labor reform —a music of accent, social works also as a claim for CKD, and opens the door to bilateralism in Catalonia. The text makes it possible to a table of dialogue fundamental to the ” yes ” of the republicans.


DIRECT The arrangements for the investiture of Pedro Sanchez, last-hour live DOWNLOADABLE full Text of the agreement of coalition PSOE-we Can The subject of Religion will count for the grade average and will not have alternative to PSOE and Can be set as a priority to approve the law of climate change, The covenant reverts the limits to the judicial investigations, approved by Rajoy

But the mosaic of the endowment, with the votes of the PSOE, We can and several nationalist parties and the regionalists insured, you are still missing a tile. That crescendo in the events reached its highest point at the middle of the afternoon, with the meeting of the executive of CKD. Without mobile phones and with a cerrojazo informative worthy of a conclave of the pope, the leaders took more than three hours to announce a new kick forward: Esquerra summoned a meeting of the Consell Nacional, which will make the final decision on the abstention on Thursday, January 2. “The logical, normal, it is expected that they will refrain,” said a senior source in The Moncloa tentándose the clothing.

it Is impossible to anticipate the creativity of the story, and CKD has been shown that it is able to depart from what the dome of the PSOE considered logical, normal and expected. The history of the budgets failed is the perfect example of that modus operandi. But the dome of CKD have pretty much controlled that Consell National, in which the former mp Joan Tardà is perhaps the most prominent member, according to the sources consulted, and trust that you have fumata blanca in the form of abstention.

Faced with the need to clear the way towards the endowment, the socialist leader, Pedro Sanchez, presented by the morning the pact with the PNV and by the evening the agreement programmatic with Can, 49 pages full of measures to check the legislature. The agreement with the basque nationalists offers what’s new draft: includes transfers to Navarre and the momentum of the reforms “necessary to align the structure of the State, the recognition of territorial identities”. The president of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, did not miss the opportunity to underline his importance in the plane of the symbolic.

But the “progressive agenda” agreed with we Can go beyond the symbols and enters into the political battle that is coming. Beyond the pomp and circumstance associated with that type of times —“will allow Spain to become a benchmark of modernity in Europe”, said Churches; “due to the new normal-building, coalitions,” stressed Sanchez— trace profiles of a program’s social democratic classic, with the emphasis on the social and the environmental, and economic policy continuity that is based on raising the spending to be financed with more taxes. Yes: there is not a single figure that gives an idea of how they are going to reconcile accounts.

PSOE and UP announced that affect a large part of the labour reform of the PP and some aspects of the pension. The text is sufficiently ambiguous —with constant references to the social dialogue— to be able to defend it at Brussels. Includes raise the income TAX to high incomes (two points for rentals of more than 130,000 euros and four points above 300,000 euros), and a minimum rate of 15% in tax, which amounts to 18% for the banking and energy companies. This would affect less than 1% of taxpayers and companies, but did not prevent the first criticisms of PP, Cs, and Vox.

The block on the right reacted with the traditional beating of drums. “Spain is evil”, summed up Paul Married. The Spanish policy is a relentless machine of novel: these statements anticipate a opposition lasts, that will compete with the narrative optimistic the coalition Government. Although for Executive, ERC should opt first for the abstention. Next stop: Consell National of CKD, Thursday. If there is no fumata blanca most likely would be set on January 7 to vote on the investiture.