The decision Friday, the Central Electoral Board to execute the immediate disqualification of Quim Torra, president of the Generalitat, it has been decided by a single vote. As reported by the body itself through a press release, up to 6 of its 13 components have been opposed to the measure consider that the election administration lacked the skills and, therefore, should be rejected the resource presented by PP, Cs, and Vox. Of the members that have announced their vote against it, three are judges of the Supreme Court and three are professors, what evidence the division that has lived in the two groups of professionals that comprise it.

that is unprecedented in the level of the regional Governments —although it has ceased in the past by this pathway, at least four mayors— the decision has come after hours of intense debate in a body that is nourished of two types of specialists. The maximum electoral body comprise eight Supreme Court judges designated at the request of the General Council of the Judiciary, and five professors active in Law, Political Science or Sociology, appointed by the Congress at the proposal of the parties.

In the first group has set itself the impeachment express of the president of the Generalitat. Five of the judges of the high court, of different sensibilities, have voted in favor of: Francisco José Navarro, Eduardo de Porres and Ana María Ferrer (considered to be the latter, for example, of the progressive sector), in addition to the chairman of the body, Antonio Jesús Fonseca-Herrero, and the vice-president, Inés Huerta. Against have been positioned, for his part, Antonio Vicente Sempere, María Luz García Paredes and José Luis Seoane.


The Board of Elections agrees to remove the Round after his conviction for disobedience Torra convenes an extraordinary meeting of the Government in response to his removal from The Central Electoral Board resolves that Junqueras may not be mep

Among the professors has triumphed, in contrast, the opposition to the measure. Of the five vowels of this type, three have declined: Agnes Olaizola, professor of Criminal Law at the Public University of Navarre and the proposal in your day by we Can; Consuelo Ramón Chornet, professor of Public International Law of the University of Valencia and supported by the PSOE, and Juan Montabes, professor of Political Science at the University of Granada and is also backed by the socialists, in whose ranks he is campaigning. For their part, the two that have supported the impeachment are Carlos Vidal, professor of Constitutional Law at the National University of Distance Education (UNED), which had supported the PP, and Silvia del Saz, professor of Administrative Law at the UNED and proposed by Citizens, although she was also the director general of the Soil of the Community of Madrid, when presiding over the region Esperanza Aguirre.

The gap open this Friday in the heart of the Central Electoral Board is more profound than that which emerged in April last year, when the body passed to exclude Carles Puigdemont, and Toni Comín of the lists for the european elections. Then, only four members voted against a decision that would nullify after the ordinary justice system.