Tens of thousands of people have traveled this Saturday, the center of Bilbao to claim the rapprochement of ETA prisoners to prisons in basque. According to estimates of the Municipal Police, around 65,000 demonstrators have joined the march -5.000 less than in 2019—. The platform Sare, one of the organizers, has raised that figure up to 80,000 attendees, counting also the 10,000 people who have signed up to a concentration parallel in Bayonne (France). The terrorist group left the weapons in 2011 and 2018, it announced its dissolution final.

The figure most prominent political that has attended the appointment of Bilbao has been Arnaldo Otegi, leader of EH Bildu, who has been accompanied by representatives basques of United we Can and the leaders of Esquerra Republicana (ERC), Junts per Catalunya and the CUP. Otegi has defined the situation as “unsustainable” and has cried out against a “politics of the past” that oppose the “right to live in peace and without political prisoners” in the Basque Country. Politicians catalans expressed their “solidarity” with the “political prisoners” are scattered throughout prisons in spain.

the head of The manifestation has advanced through the streets under the slogan “Orain Presoak” [“Now the prisoners”], and between cheers, chants, and some flares of the attendees, from various points of Spain. Attendees have carried banners in support of jailed basque and also have shown banners with pro-independence catalans.

The National court refused to ban the demonstration in a preventive way, as requested by a victims ‘ association, but ordered the security forces that guard if he committed a crime of glorifying terrorism.


The PP, to Sanchez: “ETA has already achieved its purpose,” The pain by 854 people dead and thousands of threatened and injured by The intervention of EH Bildu in the Congress causes a great anger to the right

key Catalan

Among the attendees, Nuria Picas, mp of ERC in the Courts Catalan, has the label of “punishment-added” inmates eta members are far away “from their family and friends.” Eduard Pujol, the spokesman for JxCat, thanked the support “of the basque people” by the imputation of the president, Catalan, Quim Torra. Albert Botran, of the CUP, has opted for “sending a clear message” to the new Government of PSOE-United we Can to reclaim the approach of the prisoners. From the arrival to the Government of the socialist Pedro Sanchez up to 28 eta members have come ashore in jails closer to the Basque country.

Joseba Azkarraga, a spokesman of Sare, has placed “hope” in the new Executive to “put an end to an exceptional situation”. Azkarraga has reminded that the parties have given the Government to Sanchez have supported in the Basque Country and in Navarre, the initiatives raised in support of prisoners of ETA, the band that killed more than 800 people.

The abandonment of the use of violence by the eta has been the main argument used during the demonstration to claim that you are approaching the prisoners to their homes. Asun Lasa, sister of José Antonio Lasa, a victim of the GAL; and Rosa Rodero, the widow of a police officer Joseba Goikoetxea, murdered by ETA, have sustained the banner of demands, and have read a manifesto in front of the town Hall of bilbao. Both have considered that prisoners suffer a “breach of their human rights,” and have insisted that you do not need anyone to speak on your behalf. The last endowment session has divided the victims, after which Pedro Sanchez needed the abstention of Bildu to be elected president.

“we Want to move our affection and solidarity to the political prisoners catalans”, have continued both, among the applause of the concentrates next to the ria of bilbao. Lasa and Rodero, have lauded the basque citizenship that has come out this Saturday to the streets and have cited the “opening of a new time in the prevailing equity and justice over hatred”.