As of the most recent foci of infection would not be in the hospitality and Church reminder enough: Prime Minister of Thuringia Bodo Ramelow (Left) presents an early and complete end of the General Corona-lock downs for Thuringia in view. His Plan: The restrictions are to 6 the. June and by a package of measures to be replaced repealed, the local appropriations in the foreground. Ramelow wants to renounce”, in the core on special protection regulations”.

rules for minimum protection, Mouth guard, as well as contact restrictions could be a thing of the past, it said. On its Homepage, added Ramelow: “The Motto should be: ‘From to Offered, state compulsion to self-verantwortetem moderation.'”

the Sharp criticism of the Ramelow-Plan

The criticism was swift: “With the decision in Thuringia, a Federal threatened more race of the countries that would be from a medical point of view, is disastrous,” said the SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach, the “Rheinische Post”. “This is not a fire hazard,” said the President of the municipal and city Federation of Thuringia, Michael Brychcy. And virologist Christian Drosten said in the Germany radio: “The ownership is so the Swedish model and we can see these days, and will see in the next few months, even more, that there is a very high caused excess mortality.”

criticism of the easing plans also came from Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU). Also, the CDU leadership evaluates the plans Ramelows as a devastating Signal, such as FOCUS Online, from the leadership of the party circles learned.

of The liberal approach

however, there are reasons to consider further relaxations in the recital. The number of Corona-Infected in Ramelows state is low. The approach of the Left-politician is a profoundly liberal, in the core right: The responsibility is transferred to the citizens and regions and the land policy must justify any regulations decidedly – and not, as previously, any loosening.

Ramelows thrust is radical and has a fatal signal

But why Ramelow so absolutely? Why can’t he test his approach, instead of the restrictions in all areas? It would be conceivable, for example, to introduce relaxations in the gastronomy and the important distance requirement to maintain. The mouth protection scheme, he could receive to maintain – both things that change the everyday life, but not fundamentally changing the lives of the people in Germany to restrict.

however, the Prime Minister has rowed back a little. In an Interview with RTL/ntv Ramelow to the effect that he was going to propose to the Cabinet, “that, for example, in public transport continues to be the mouth-nose protection should remain”.

Nevertheless, Ramelows initiative is too radical, and a fatal signal has effect for the whole of Germany. The full end of the lock downs led to the assumption that the Virus had been defeated. This is a fallacy, we see currently in other countries. The foci of infection in the Empty and in Ramelows neighboring state of Hesse show how quickly the Virus can spread. Especially since Thuringia circles with the country of Greiz and Sonneberg has two Hotspots in their own state. Ramelow would have to know how about months where success is achieved within days of playful be.

Reported corona virus cases in Germany (click on your state)

Difficult situation in Thuringia

so Why Ramelow acts such research? The situation in Thuringia is complicated. The Disaster to Ramelows election of the Prime Minister has revealed how unclear the majority of conditions in Thuringia are. The AfD has achieved in the last election 23.4 percent of the votes, next year, is re-elected. The right-wing populists sit him in the neck, try the Corona-beating protests Profit. And not only: Even short-time Prime Minister Thomas Kemmerich of the FDP was at a Demo in the first row.

let Ramelow also drift away? The least we could do is. It is telling that he mentioned in a statement to the advance on its Website, “the fragmentation tendencies” and “conspiracy theories” announced that he “observed with concern”.

All the information about the Coronavirus in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Saxony as a role model?

Some may speak in favor of the far less from infections of the affected länder in the East think of special ways. However, a complete exit from the step-wise approach, as Ramelow plans it is certainly the wrong way to go. He undermines the great majority of the German still existing insight in the protective measures and must be careful not to him the Situation in his state is slipping away.

Perhaps Saxony could serve in the future as a model. Health Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) announced on Monday a “paradigm shift” in the Corona limitations. Here, too, the talk is of a General release. But there is a big But: There should not be exceptions named, where a full easing is still possible. And: Much depends on “the people to assume responsibility and to distance bid and the mask of duty to keep,” says Köpping.

Extreme caution

All of the Negative is to be said at this point once again: Until there is a vaccine, it will take. A Corona App, and other smart concepts for dealing with the Virus in our everyday lives, there is not yet. Until then, extreme caution is advised. More to the Coronavirus

Thüringen’s own way: To Ramelow-push it hails criticism from all sides, FOCUS Online/Wochit Thuringia’s own way: After Ramelow-push it hails criticism from all sides, “Not the issue”: In the fight to billion-funds has Scholz in the TV Anne Will, rightly, FOCUS Online/Wochit “Not the issue”: In the fight to billion-funds has Scholz in the TV Anne Wants to cope